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lovelydonk's picture
guiness record coin flip loss

 i just lost today 11 coin flips in a row with best hand on cereus network

feels so rigged sometimes

also on 30 games played during the day i got rivered  17 times!

i rarely been on tilt like that before

so frustrating to see this much donks fishs whatever and givin them all this money 

sometimes I hate this stupid game.


ratex's picture
same here... -6bi and the

same here... -6bi and the fking ev at +2bi

Malifous's picture
omg ive won 14 last

omg ive won 14 last coinflips on row, some kind of record. Im seriously starting to think this site is rigged.

lovelydonk's picture


JSpazz's picture
oh cereusly?

are you cereus?

jackoneill's picture
Well, interestingly I run

Well, interestingly I run like a young god on Cereus - but got beat up horribly on Stars last night.

It wasn't just lost coinflips, it was also running exceptionally bad in the jam-fold phase and the story repeated itself over and over and over again:

Fish hit some miracle card on the river, leaving me with just 9bb - next hand I get KQss on the button, I jam and of couse fish has the Cowboys.

Or I'm up against a super nit, so I still minraise evey single hand @50/100, picking up blinds nicely - and then, the one hand I want him to call, he min3bets me so I already know that I'm probably in trouble, but just can't fold KK.

Oh, and btw. the hand 94o is only a call at 3.3bb according to Nash - so why does fish always *win* when he calls with that hand a lot deeper ???  What does fish even hope for when I 5bet-jam over his minraise/min4bet fist hand of the match, hitting a lucky 4 against AK or what ?  My range is more weighted towards high pocket pairs in this situation ....

And there were these countless matches where I got the money in bad - KK vs AA, set over set, flush over flush.

And finally, why do you always have to hit an absolutely deadly card on the river ?  And why does it always happen when you follow some huge fish a limit higher ?

I had one super strong read about one guy that he's only betting or raising with the stone cold nuts - but nevertheless I got it in against him bad when he slowplayed on Ah2cThJh and the river was a horribly deadly deuce !  Without that card, I could have limited my losses against him and even folded Set of Aces against his huge overbet jam - but not anymore after improving to Aces Full.

So I dropped about 15 buy-ins on Stars, but also won 7 on Cereus - I had some huge problems getting action on Cereus, so I played both at the same time.

Malifous's picture
I seriously cannot believe

I seriously cannot believe you wrote all that.

JSpazz's picture
lol I lost three buy-ins

lol I lost three buy-ins instantly today so I hit my stop loss. It took 40 minutes but I don't remember a single hand

edit: OK there was this hand where I folded a FH, I posted it on 2+2 (link)