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Catman's picture
Theory/concept videos to do with playing OOP


Any help would be appreciated.

I wonder if anyone could point in the right direction of videos focusing on playing out of position. I'm more concerned with post flop as I have a good grasp on  calling ranges and 3 betting preflop but want to expand my knowledge  post flop as I feel this is a leak in my game and more importantly  in my knowledge.

I would like to understand when it is a good idea to float, check raise bluff etc. I understand  this is highly dependent on opponent ranges and tendencies but really just want to get a good understanding of the theory so I can feel comfortable.

I have purchased the standard pack already and learnt some good stuff. Cheers.cool

RyPac13's picture
It's tough to give specific

It's tough to give specific recommendations since you can gain info and knowledge about an opponent in position on the river, and apply that to out of position play on the flop (the types of hands they play in 3bet pots, for example, or play passively... if an opponent checks down middle pair, it doesn't matter which position they are in, you can expect them to be more likely to play passively with weak to middle strength made hands on similar board textures in the future).

That said, I would do two things:

1) Take a look at videos that have the words "OOP" and "out of position" in their description, particularly the newer standard pack vids (2012 would be the year).

2) Take a look at the free mersenneary ebook. He talks a lot about the biggest leaks players have (and it's still true today, not playing enough hands OOP in particular).

There is no easy formula for how many hands to play preflop and how to play them postflop. That's what makes this game so profitable, we can't just give you a hand chart or a 1-2-3 hour strategy on how to do something as big, general and varied as playing OOP postflop.

This is good news though, it means the more you study and think about OOP play, the more you put in hands at the table, the better your expectation should be vs the field.

Catman's picture
Thanks Rypac. I have

Thanks Rypac. I have downloaded the ebook and will have a read. I shall search more for some of the vids also.