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Summoner88's picture
Calling flop with 2nd-3rd pair hands OOP

ok , i know playing these hands depends on player type in order to maximize profit with them , the question is simple:


If i always call a 1/2 bet on flop and always fold to a turn bet with 2nd or 3rd pair will i show profit in the long term?  i dont care about maximizing the profit , i only care if its just slightly profitable or break even or the best out of all unprofitable scenarios.

I would like to know what gto recommend for those hands aswell.

cdon3822's picture
Depends on villain's:-

Depends on villain's:

- preflop range

- flop cbetting range (usually as a function of board texture)

- turn & river 2 & barreling ranges within the context of our perceived flop c/c range and various turn and river cards

Apologies for vague answer - it was a vague question.


Wrt gto play. Note that unimproved on the turn & river in pseudo gto models you will be holding a bluff catcher vs a polarised barreling range here. As such, at equilibrium you are probably indifferent between folding and calling down.

Summoner88's picture
Hm if his range is polarized

Hm if his range is polarized on turn and river shouldnt i call more? i mean a polarized range usually contain more bluffs right?


What if his range is depolarized and he barrels with middling hands , should i opt to call or fold? i guess fold more?


What if i went to showdown against a villain IP and he played passive with an middling hand should i assume then that his turn barrel range is polarized when im OOp? because he is more prone to check back with those hands?

cdon3822's picture
On river for example, if

On river for example, if villain bets half pot to make you indifferent between calling and folding with your bluff catcher:

- With half pot bet sizing he lays you odds of 25% on your call

- So to make you indifferent he will bet 1 bluff for every 3 value combinations in his river betting range vs your bluff catcher


If he bluffs more than 25% you will do better by calling every time with your bluff catcher.

Likewise, if he bluffs less than 25% of the time in that spot, you can increase your expectation by folding every time with your bluff catcher. 


If he is also betting middling hands, his range becomes less polar and it will you should adjust your range accordingly.