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FCesario's picture
Live from poker?

Basically I am thinking about giving a shot in poker for my life.

Now, I am 25 years old, studdying in a good federal University in Brazil, soo I don't pay for it, and I am an inturn in a big company. I haven't been sucesseful trying to handle all toguether (university, inturn and poker), I am struggling in university, and am not really focused in the work or in the poker.

I have a mind right now that I don't want a cubicle job for the rest of my life. Soo I am really thinking about getting out of my inturn, cause I haven't been able to handle it and my university at same time, really getting scrud with my grades, like won't finish ever if continue this way.

I play poker for like 8 years, have been a successfull playing HU poker, long time ago I played the regular speed ones, but as it started to disapear from the map, I didn't think about giving poker a real shot cause poker didn't look good for me in long term, but was able to make something like 20-30K..... 

Nowadays I am playing the Hyper HU 15$ with 2,5% adjusted roi for 2,7k (small sample) but fell like I have a lot to improve in the game, been taking classes from a coach and studying by my own and in a skype group. I see future in poker right now. And I feel motivated to give in a real shot for 6 months, fulltime... Cause making it part time don't work imo, at least for me, because it looks like I don't focus in poker to learn it to the level of living from it, and I don't focus in university enought to finish it.

Soo anyways I will get out of my inturn.

And about university, I am thinking about locking it for 6 months while a give this fulltime shot at poker.
And after 6 months I expect to already have a big enought sample and knowledge to know if I should try to live from it.
If the results don't go well, or if I don't fell like I want to live from it, I get back to my university finish it and live the normal life, just will have "lost" 6 months, but if it goes right, oh boy, life will just get started...

RyPac13's picture
What are you studying at

What are you studying at university? I would not be so fast to just assume you'll be stuck in a cubicle the rest of your life if you finish university. There are so many things you can study that can lead to an interesting and unique job that you can be happy in.

Brazil is a country with a very large and growing economy. I would work on socializing and networking yourself with business minded people. Perhaps align yourself with people that are starting a new and exciting company.

Now, I don't mean to say you shouldn't try this, a 6 month break from school while you try is actually a reasonable plan if you stick to it, I just feel like you may be throwing up some unnecessary barriers and looking at this as "poker or no fun," far too black and white and simplistic for the reality of the situation.

If you do go through with the poker plan for 6 months, I would advise absolutely looking at what you want to do in school in the future, and keep in your head that no mater how you do in poker you'll want to go back to school to learn some new and exciting skills to help you get to where you want to in the future at some point.

Best of luck with everything, just make sure you approach things with an open mind, and also with confidence. Tell people you are rethinking a major and earning a living from poker in the meantime, tell them in a way that makes them interested in you and wanting to know more. Get out there and meet people if you're going to play poker, meet people that are excited about what they do, that want to start businesses and aren't afraid to fail.

cdon3822's picture
Forgoing education and work

Forgoing education and work experience at your age to play poker is almost certainly financially -EV long term.

You will probably get a lot out of the experience though if you put value on that.

supersize's picture
i wish i could tell you to

i wish i could tell you to pursue something else but i know everyone needs to take their own path. this game has ruined many lives. why do you think so many players have got into coaching? the games are no longer easy and when you make your hobby your only source of money it becomes a job. well that was the thing you were trying to avoid in the first place. you won't completely understand what i am telling you until you have many months/years playing for a living. it isn't a preschool fairytale... it's a terrifying rollercoaster. so good luck but if i could go back i would have focused on school/career.