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Chamurapi2's picture
OOP vs IP winnings in Hypers

Hi guys,

is there any general acceptable ratio between OOP and IP winnings?

I know that OOP winnings will always be lower, but can we say what difference is acceptable?

In my specific situation, after 1000 trns I have:

+6 bb/100 IP and  -6 bb/100 OOP

I feel that I'm doing very bad OOP.

What do you think?

cdon3822's picture
Got a bit of discussion on
Brandon's picture
A negative value isn't good

A negative value isn't good but it looks like you haven't been playing long. Numbers like 6/3, 10/5, 14/6 are more usual  but it does vary wildly even with good experienced players. BB play is difficult to do well so it's a good area to work on.