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Rabbit's picture
Moving up to the 100s?

So I decided that I will take the 50s off of my filter on Full Tilt.  Leaving me 84,92,105,115.  Im going to try to do this for a month.  If my hourly is less than before ill prob go back to the 50s.

My thinking behind this, logical or not.  Is that there will inevitably be varience.  But if i am playing a wider range of games the variance will be greater.

For example

win 100  then lose 100= zero (not counting rake)

win 100 lose 50= up 50

win 50 lose 100= down 50

you get the point.  will there be less variance if Im playing a smaller range of buy ins? is it smarter to still play some 50s because that is what I am comfortable with?


lunitume's picture
Well i would mix it up

Well i would mix it up probably, liek when i am up 2 buyins at lower level i would go and try at higher level and if i lost buyins at higher i would step down for that day. This is at least advised for Hu cash games, dunno if it applies so much to Hu sng's.