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AQs's picture
Moving to cash games

As said in the title, i'm gonna move to hu cash games... BTW, I wanna maintein the husng membership for various reasons.
But... the question that I have is really simple. Does many of the things that I learned here, will help me in cash games?. Husng used short stacks and cash don't... I don't know... Is it a complete different game? What adustments I need in order to fit husng concepts into cash games?

Skates's picture
The biggest "adjustment" is

The biggest "adjustment" is that you need to consider how you will play multiple streets.  At <30BB, you hear a lot of us saying we're gonna b/c or b/f then we say "well villain likes to donk turns so we're gonna check back and ship over the turn bet".  At 100BB, none of that makes sense.  The places where we balance our ranges are balancing with respect to our stack size.  This is also why so many cash game players get destroyed in HUSNGs; They balance their ranges as though they were deeper, which either has them bet/folding too much or playing wayyyy too passive most of the time.  Adopting similar strategies to how we play the flop and the turn is going to get you into some terrible spots on the river.

The ways of thinking are the same.  It's still HU poker.  It's just the conclusions that change.

AQs's picture
Obv, I'll play hu nl50 as I

Obv, I'll play hu nl50 as I start...I will find many opponents who will sit down with strange amounts (the rest of their bankroll), like I don't know 20bb??? In that case, have played husng will help me out, or not?


Mich P Rich's picture
 Also meta becomes more of

 Also meta becomes more of a factor as many villains you play you will be playing for much longer periods of times, and maybe on multiple tables. In HUSNG's, the blind structure and stack sizes generally don't allow for much of an evolving dynamic - it tends to be that you develop your reads early on and stick with them until the match is over. As the match progresses in HU cash, the meta naturally evolves and it's important to pay attention and stay in tune with how villain perceives you because of previous hands, how you think he thinks you perceive him, etc. Of course this is pertinent in HUSNG's also, but exponentially so in HU cash where the games can go on forever. So, while the blind structure doesn't change, meta and stack sizes will change in the more 'epic' matches, and the player who adapts quickest and most correctly, and stays one step ahead will be the player with a significant edge.


p.s. yes, I think HUSNG players have a big edge when it comes to short stack play in cash games, naturally.