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jamjam747's picture
High stake queston about supernova elite

 HI ...im currently playing at  the $10 buyin level,so am a long way off of answering this question.....ive just watched PrimordialAA mutli tabling  video were he explains how playing more tables helps  your hourly $$$$ rate and enables you to  collect  VPPs at a faster rate.......this leads me to a couple of qestions i didnt want to post in PrimordialAA video post as its not really realated to what the video is intended for.....


if multi tabling $115 stakes then playing aprox 110 HUSNGs would give you supernova elite....

if playing the $230 stakes then aprox 55 games a day would do the trick...

if playing $330 stakes then aprox 37 games a day would gain you SNE....

Is there enough daily volume of games at these higher stakes to try and grind for SNE?

Are any members of HUSNG at SNE?......What is the fastest a HUSNG player has become SNE?

RyPac13's picture
I believe Croixdawg and

I believe Croixdawg and Skates were both Supernova Elite last year.

I believe Skates is close to being on pace this year and I have no idea if Croix is as well.

It's not easy to do, I don't believe even Dibasio and Bcm were SNE last year, but I may be wrong.

PrimordialAA's picture
55 games a day is much much

55 games a day is much much tougher than it sounds, but anybody who plays $330s/550s and puts in decent volume should be able to reach SNE if they really work at it, the problem is combining massive volume day after day all year long without letting it effect your quality of play. And if it does, and you have to take a day or two off, remember that you have to do 2x or 3x the games afterwards to make up for them. SNE is definently not an easy feat, but is absolutely do-able.