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knockonwood's picture
Primo and Croixdog opposing opinions on small PP's


I watched 2 videos today, one by Primo and the other by Croixdog.

In the Primo video (leak finder 20) he advocated not raising 33 OOP (15/30 blinds) after the SB had limped in.

I was fine with that, but then in the Croixdog video, i watched him raise 55 from the BB after the SB had limped in (15/30 blinds)

A few quick questions:

1. Is limping verse raising these small PP's generally opponent/game flow/effective stack size dependent?

2. At what size effective stacks is it more EV to shove, rather than limp or 3x these PP's?

3. Are there any situations when we should be calling with PP's in the SB (88 and under) against a SB open?


xSCWx's picture
I would raise 33 against

I would raise 33 against most opponents limps in 15/30 because I think that having the initative makes the hand a lot easier (and profitable) to play. I think that you will be much better off being the aggressor with the low pair than trying to call most opponents down.

I would check it back against most completely LAGtarded players though. Against them I'm more concerned with pot control and set mining.

knockonwood's picture
Ok. Primo explained that

Ok. Primo explained that he'd rather check this OOP as you will run into too many tough flops ( the flop on the video was something like 9q6) where cbetting the flop is not very +EV and then if you do cbet the the flop and are called, you're forced to shut down on the turn.

RyPac13's picture
I check them back much more

I check them back much more often than not, but against a weaker or tighter opponent (or extremely transparent postflop player) I'll raise any PP without hesitation.

Then again, I'll raise a tremendous amount of hands against some of those guys, so it's not just limited to PPs.

I still feel like in general small PPs should be checked back, as you can pretty much justify any aggression vs many tight/weak players, so it's not indicative of "default play."