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Elemental570's picture
Need Some Advice!

I was curious as to what size sample I would need before I'm ready to move up to the next level.   I was planning on playing a 500 games sample in the $6.25s on stars.  Right now I'm at around 200 games with a 17% ROI and 61% winrate in the 6.25s.  My BR is over $500.  I just don't want to move up too fast because I'm fairly new to hu play and want to iron out as many leaks as possible.  Not sure what my level of competency is compared to players at higher buyins. 

I really want to get a coach to find out where I stand and plug some of my leaks I'm not aware of but I find most coaches rates to be  a little pricey. I've watched most of the videos on here pulling bits and pieces from  them and developing my own style of play.  I've also read Moshman's book.  I know alot of people advocate playing a ton of games and learning from experience but it's tough to recognize subtle mistakes yourself.  Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!


xSCWx's picture
If you are confident that

If you are confident that you are playing better than your opponents then I think that now would be a good time to give the $11s a try. Just be sure not to be "scared money" while taking the shot or it will make things a lot harder on you. It sounds like you will be fine.

Radeh's picture
Imo there's no difference

Imo there's no difference between the 11s and the 6s. Like xSCWx said, just don't be scared money. Set yourself a drop down limit...I'd say play the $11s unless you drop bellow $350.

That's still WAY enough to play the $11s imo, but if you like ot have a large (50BI) BR, and if it makes you play better, go with it :)


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

RyPac13's picture


I just put in your winrate (.61) and your win and loss amounts (4.75 and 5.25 respectively) over 200 games and clicked away about twenty times.

Only once were you in the negative with those samples.

Your confidence % that you are a pretty sizable winner should be high.

I agree with the others, you have 50ish buyins for the $11s, at least give it a shot.  You can always move back down to the $6s, worst case you run bad in the $11s for a bit, but then you will already have some experience in them and the next time you move up won't be as hard.

You'll laugh at all of this by the time you reach the $55s, I promise.

Elemental570's picture
Thanks for the responses

Thanks for the responses guys.  I am going to give the 11s a shot.   If by some chance I have a bad run I'll move back down to the $6s.

REBTgenius's picture
Word of caution


I can totally relate to your apprehension about moving up.  I had played 200 games of both 5.25's and 6.25's with a 24% ROI on pokerstars.  Unfortunately, I started running bad and about 100 games later my ROI was only 8.5%.  Then I became frustrated and compounded my problems by moving up in stakes instead of staying at the 6's. 

Of course, it seems rational to move up with your bankroll size.  Who wants to do more work for less pay if it's unnecessary.  The advice you received seems very sound.  However, I would just be ready and willing to move down if you hit an extended dry spell.  It can be very difficult to retain a rational outlook on bankroll management when you're confronted with an extended losing streak after performing so well.  It's wise to have a contingency plan in place just  in case you lose despite your best efforts. 

Best of wishes,
