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Tinker0815's picture
Turbos vs Reg Speed - Questions


I struggle a bit with the Turbos at FullTilt Poker. It is a way too fast for me. As teached in the coaching videos I first try to define the strategy of my opponent and if I made a decision the levels increases very fast (for me). Maybe I am too slow in analysing my opponent but I feel much comfortable at the regular speed. A mate gave me a hint to play at Stars due to the turbos are not so fast but I think it is not very profitable for me as the competition is nearly the same as FT but on FT I get rakeback and my limit is too low to have an advantage to play on Stars.

A lot of advices I read was that turbos are more profitable due to the hourly rate but when I don't feel comfortable and struggle with the much faster limits I think I should not follow the advices.

I read from Rypac that he struggled in his beginning at the 10$ and moved to the 11$ turbos and it made click and was wondering what he meant with "click".

I currently really love to have a 5 min 10/20 limit to figure out how my opponent plays and I assume I still need that.

How did you guys managed it from reg speed to the turbos....or are some of you playing higher Limits still at reg speed.

I am asking that because I saw that most good high stakes HU players plays at the turbos and comparing to No limit 10max or 6max...I often got the advice "learn how to play 6max poker".

Thanks for any comments to this issue in advance.



RyPac13's picture
I wouldn't be too concerned

I wouldn't be too concerned about the turbos vs regular speeds on full tilt.

My experience was on PokerStars, and their turbo speed games are roughly the same type of structure as Full Tilt's regular speed games.  PokerStars' regular speed games are extremely slow (10 minute blind levels starting 75bb deep).

Many players, including Cog Dissonance and Brilliant27 played and continue to play the Full Tilt regular speed games.

The faster structure in the turbos means faster games and almost always smaller edges.  Your mid blind play has to be a lot stronger in those games because of the slight but frequent increase in the blinds (you're playing 10-30bb deep for quite some time with equal stacks).

The mid blind area is a section of the game that players usually grasp later on in their poker careers.  Playing the deeper blinds is often easier in husngs, at least initially, and your end game skills can develop pretty quickly when you are aware of basic adjustments that need to be made against certain player types in that area.

But the mid blinds often require more extreme adjustments and your success (or failures) are not always obvious and evident in the short term.  Sure, if a player minraises every hand 20bb deep and you shove QQ and he calls with KT and sucks out, you won't have to worry about making the right play in that situation.  But what if the guy is opening a lot of hands and you shove 87s and he calls with A8o?  That's going to be a lot tougher for many players (especially for those less experienced) to be confident that they made the right decision.

What I'm basically saying, is that the turbo speeds, all things considered (faster pace, more variance, smaller edges) are going to require a much tougher mentality on average.  They aren't necessarily more profitable, look at some of the regular speed "regulars" and their ROIs (on Stars as well).  

The major reason why most big winning players play turbo speeds is because there is often a lack of action in the regular speeds.  Croixdawg, Cog Dissonance, Dibasio, Brilliant27, Nofear47/cacaw, cat5cane, thepabloshow, these are just a few of the successful players that originally (or still do) had success with the regular speed structure being their primary game.

In the low and mid stakes (and sometimes lower high stakes games even) you do not have to worry about getting action from fish in any speed structure, so I would suggest to just play the structure that you are comfortable, confident and making the most money in.  Many of the same skills that you continue to develop in the regular speed games will ease your transition into the turbo speeds later on, if you so choose to make that change.  The best players will always exhibit the fast and correct adjustments against their opponent, so you should focus on finding and making the correct adjustments in whatever structure you feel fits you best right now.

Tinker0815's picture
Thank you so much for this

Thank you so much for this detailed comment. That really helped me to reset my mind and focus on the regspeed games :-).

thrift's picture
I am currently playing reg

I am currently playing reg speeds as well that can take up to 30-40 mins a game.

When it comes to turbo speds, I find that I having trouble having enough "time" to apply the game/strategies that I've learnt from the video because it's push/fold before you know it.