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Tinker0815's picture
Interest on a HU (HUSNG) Tourney at FullTilt Poker?


I organized a HU Tourney for my Pokerforum at FullTilt. I would like to ask you guys if there are some players to play such a tourney with HUSNG members? I could ask the FT tourney support to create a private HUSNG Tourney.

Maybe its fun to play against some members and of course to have the chance to kick-out a HUSNG pro or coach :-).

I wait for feedback and then we can discuss the starting time. I prefer Sunday's. 10$ would be the Limit so that all have the BI according their bankrolls.

Let me know if you have interest on that.


RyPac13's picture
I'm in the process of

I'm in the process of getting a new Full Tilt account (long story).

Once I do, I'd be happy to play this on a Sunday if I were free.

We're also looking at scheduling a couple of Cake hu mtts, hosted by husng.com before the new year, we'll inform you on the main page of our site if we end up doing this.

Tinker0815's picture
Hi Ryan, That sounds very

Hi Ryan,

That sounds very good. Once you announced that I should register at Cake.


palinca's picture
HU tournament?

I'm doing for anything, as long as it's not >30$ (times are rough ;))

jakhalsje007's picture
i'm in hope there will

i'm in

hope there will be some more interest...can be fun !

Radeh's picture
I'm in...but please do it on

I'm in...but please do it on PS or even better Cake (Redback Poker) since I hate FTP with a passion ;)


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

Newff's picture
Please make this happen,

Please make this happen, and hopefully when I'm not working lol..I seem to always miss these tournaments when people organize them.