Hey man, I used to check out your site regularly but the facebook auto redirect is pretty annoying and the facebook layout is far inferior to the way you had your blog setup. It's definitely turned me off but I enjoy your articles and look forward to your site going back to normal - still incorporating facebook and twitter for the sake of growing your base and having live feeds, but not at the expense of losing the actual web site.
I analyze all traffic to my site and I determined that over 80% of my hits were coming from facebook, twitter, and husng.com, and those hits were going directly to my articles. After reading my articles, only 25% of people went on to read another article. Only 10% of my hits were people going directly to riskoriented.com. Since the site is pointless without traffic, I made the decision to utilize Facebook to expand my audience, since 90% of my readers wouldn't even notice it.