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beatmeupaa's picture
Videos for beginners?

Hey guys, I was just getting startet and I think I will watch the "Beginners Videos" collection 1st but how to move on?

It would be very handy if you would add a filter option to browse for videos at a special stake or with special topics.

RyPac13's picture
Hi, You can search for any


You can search for any stake videos by using the buyin + rake.

For example, you can search for an $11 + .50 buyin video by searching "$11.50."

So using $5.25, $6.25, $10.50, $11.50, $21, $23, $31.50, $34.50 and so on in the search box should help you find the videos by stake.

Using the advanced search feature and highlighting the videos should give you direct results, but the regular search will do a good job as well.

ratex's picture
hey, is there just one video

hey, is there just one video in the Heads Up Fundamentals made by Cog?
I just found the one that came w/ the Beginner's Pack ("how to play against tight players"). Is there any plans to finish this series of videos?

WBR's picture
Check this

http://www.husng.com/node/400  - Primo's old video from his series " HU SNG from Scratch".

RyPac13's picture
Hi Ratex, Since Cog teaches

Hi Ratex,

Since Cog teaches the same type of thing in his coaching sessions, he's going to hold off on doing any more videos from that series.

He does use the same concepts as he does in that video in other videos, his videos in particular focus on exploiting specific opponent types, so just because we won't get a cut and dry "loose players fundamental" video from Cog doesn't mean that those concepts are not included in each and every video that he makes.

blitzilla's picture
+1 on rypac comment  I took

+1 on rypac comment  I took cog  4hour class  and we went into alot of detail, but if your real good at extracting information from stuff in life you can check his videos. he uses what he teaches  flawlessly. Also primo  beginner/intermediate/advanced concept is also  real good on the technical side of  adapting  to your oponent