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pokerbot102's picture
how many members ballpark? and are the member forums pretty active?

Hey guys, I was wondering about how many members there are on the site and if the member forums are pretty active.


RyPac13's picture
Membership is in the 3

Membership is in the 3 digits, sorry that's all I can really say.

I'll let members answer your other question, but I think the forums are pretty active.  They aren't nearly as active as say 2p2, but I don't think even a conservative person would call them dead or dry.

Levian's picture
I think it would be pretty

I think it would be pretty useful to add each other on msn, no matter the skill level.

For those interested, my msn is young_pp@live.nl

Radeh's picture
If you ask a question on the

If you ask a question on the forums (such as a HH), you'll get answers from members & pros alike...so you shouldn't be worries. There's less smalltalk compared to 2+2, but a lot of us are chatting on msn/aim regularly, and we keep our smalltalk (omg chick pics) out of husng.com.

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Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

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