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stevenrh1's picture
Staking for Sunday's 215 HU?

Hi all!
OK, I'll ask one more time if anyone is willing or interested in staking me in todays 215 HU tourney. Honestly, I really just want to play so I'll give you whatever percentage you request if I cash.

I play up to 35's, lately mainly 11's because I'm practicing 2-3 tabling. I know I play well, but to be honest I play in my bankroll and 215 is out of my bankroll at the moment. I play with discipline since I have no job right now, so I really can't afford to play too high for my bankroll.

Let me know if anyone's interested, you can check my stats from pokerstars under "stevenrh1".

Thanks and gl!


Malifous's picture
I could play too but i dont

I could play too but i dont have any money on stars and not depositting because it takes forever to get money off ipoker. Ill agree for 35:65

heres my scope: http://www.sharkscope.com/?username=Polifous&network=ipoker

beatmeupaa's picture
been there, done that

been there, done that