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mrspiky's picture
Life Balance

Dear all,

probably this question was answered in some forums somewhere...

I work about 9/10 hours a day monday to frida 9am to 6pm, and I love palying poker and I make some extra money.

Fact is I can only play at the same time when my gf is off as she works monday to friday same time

This is one of the reasons I started to play HU in the 1st place, so I don't have to be stuck on the computer for hours if I make deep in a tourney.

Does any of  you have a similar problem? any suggestion?

olionion's picture
 Yes mate, my job is way

 Yes mate, my job is way too demanding but my Mrs is cool and understands.  At its worst im working 7 days a week the only plus side is i can work from home.  At the moment for me its a concious decision to do this as im getting married this year and need the money.  Im taking a long term view on things and hope time invested now will mean that i dont have to work 12 months of the year in future, i also hope that poker will be able to supliment my down time.

The only suggestion i have is making sure you know what your priorities in life are, for me its family/friends first then my career and finally poker, I squeeze in games when i can and when im not so tired that ill play bad, my volume is very low but im slowly increasing my bankroll and i know that if i can prove i can play i could easily add a bit more to it when the current contract comes to an end.

One other option if you really want to get some volume in is to treat the mrs to a day at a spa, you'll have the whole day to yourself to grind!