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Kahoon's picture
I've lost 30% of my bankroll


I've lost 33% of my bankroll today,

I was playing $5's I had $120, everything was going as expected, some times I win, sometimes I lose.. played like 250+ games and everything was ok, about 60% win ratio.

Then today, I've lost like 6 games in a row with the best hand, rivered. Then won two games, then I catch this guy that is playing ultra agressive and Im completely card dead the whole game, and he is always betting like 4x bb and I never hit the flop, and when I shove he doesnt call, and I get so mad that I tilt and end up losing two games with him. I didnt even want to play a second one but the guy sit me so.. twice bad.

I feel like I've been just wasting time playing.

olionion's picture
 For me i find a streak of

 For me i find a streak of bad luck results in a longer streak of bad play, it took me to spew half of my bankroll before i realised, have you tried using a stop loss at all, its helping me?

With the maniacs i find patience and trapping works just fine especially if they are cbetting pot or try shuving over their 4x open with a wider range than you normally would if you cant get an edge post flop which i think you will with patience and trying to see the flop cheaply in position, fit or fold would be a v big leak if he is 4xing and you are folding to a cbet everytime unless you hit top pair, try and play him oop less if you are uncomfortable with the big pot post flop, that being said im probably not someone to take advice from yet ;) 

From his pov he probably thinks that he can keep creating big pots pre flop and stab and pick them up on the flop, and when u do play back he folds cause he knows you have hit.  

By the way, you said when you shuv he doesnt call, thats good info if he is opening 4x especially when the blinds reach about 40/80, thats a lot of chippage in the middle that can be yours if you shove with a range tighter than his super wide opening range.

What is his perception of how you play?



h50n's picture
yeah that happend to me not

yeah that happend to me not long ago on the 20$sngs, I thought everything was falling down, I just took a day off , went shoppping hollerd at some girls just took my mind of poker for the day. The next day I reviewd my play. When i loose 2 games in a row i end the session there and then and do something else for 30 mins becuase in the next game i will just be playing on tilt and when i play on tilt i make the most irrational desicions ever, I then usually watch tv or read some random stuff then return tilt free.

RyPac13's picture
250 games with a 60% winrate

250 games with a 60% winrate at the $5 level should give you a bigger bankroll.

You should have $200+ in your roll, making this a much softer blow to you mentally and as a fraction of your bankroll.

It's important not to cash out too much money, as you'll run into 6 game losing streaks.  You'll experience much worse than this, 10-20 buyin downswings in your career likely, you just need to stay tough and make sure that you do not tilt.

Kahoon's picture
Thanks for the support, Yes

Thanks for the support,

Yes I should have about $200 but I was playing the $2's before.

Moved to $5's after I saw an article on this site talking about the halved rake and same skill players.

This site is helping a lot, I bought a videopack and I'm looking forward to subscribe because I think the content is great, the coaches are great and the support is really good.

I've been working on my game, I used to tilt a lot and I mean a lot like when I put a guy all in with the best hand and and he draws something on the river and now Im much better, I can easily manage about 2 or 3 losses in a row without much thinking, but when this happened I just couldnt helped.

That maniac I played, I couldnt find a leak in his game. Always 4x or 5x bet preflop, when I shove he folds, when I call, if I hit bottom pair and bet, he bets big, I fold, If i flop top pair (which happened 1 or 2 times only I think) he folds, I was almost card dead for the whole game.

RyPac13's picture
Yea, I mean some nut that

Yea, I mean some nut that literally just won a $2 game just sat me at $115 and went 3-0.

He shoved randomly and just over bet and raised almost every hand at times.  Game 1 I was pretty card dead and ended up losing with A rag vs AK.

Game two I flopped a straight, he called the flop then raised my turn bet, I shoved he called with his 2 pair (there were two weaker straights out there as well) and he rivered a boat to win.

Game three I lost 66 to A4s pretty full stacks and also lost AJ to A7 in a 3bet pot where he bet the flop and turn with air and I called with my better kicker, he rivered a 7 and checked.

So, the point is that crap happens all the time, we just have to deal with it as good as we can.  The guy talked crap the entire game but it doesn't bother me in the least, I know long run I'll beat that player type with a solid edge.  For every 0-3 against him I'll win 4 or 5 in a row next week when the same tilting low stakes guy comes in and tries to win by shoving every other hand.

jackoneill's picture
Well, this sounds pretty

Well, this sounds pretty much like he played perfectly against you, exploiting your weakness.

It's extremely profitable for him to 5x every single hand if he knows that he can take it from you post-flop.  Against a guy like that, you can't just call and then play fit-or-fold - he'll run you over.

You need to get a feeling for frequencies to beat a guy like that and you also need to balance your ranges properly.  With balancing I mean you can't just check/call your bottom pair and fire big when you have top pair.

Just think about what his biggest leak is: he's betting too much.  Well, if he's betting too much, you need to call more often - but you need to do that in a way that he doesn't know what you have.

You wrote he folded when you had top pair, how did that happen ?  Did you lead into him, or check/raise him, or was this when you were on the button and he led into you / checked to you and you raised him / bet ?  Then how did you play your buttom pairs or your air ?

When you were at the button and had air, did he lead into you, or check to you, you checked back and he fired big on the turn ?

The guy obviously likes to bluff you, so let him do that and don't immediately give away the strength of your hand when you hit top pair.

Kahoon's picture
I started to play today and

I started to play today and first two games got rivered by boats holding straights.

I'm really having a bad streak..

Kahoon's picture
I'm being turned and rivered

I'm being turned and rivered by callingstations and maniacs like I've never been before. I'm losing about 50% of my BR now.

Even when I go all in, most of the time I have the best hand and they get their cards.

I'm losing game after game. I feel like I'm just giving money away.. it's so frustrating. I dont know what I can do.

ACES15FULL's picture
Well regardless of rake you

Well regardless of rake you should probably drop down to the 2s and work your roll back up before bust

Kahoon's picture
I can't win a damn game.

I can't win a damn game. It's just not possible, either they get a turn or a river. Even coinflips I'm just losing every one of them. I'm at -50% of my bankroll.

It's so damn frustrating. I lost like 7 games in a row won one and then lost another two.

I'm trying not to tilt but it's difficult. I'm moving down and play $2's for a while, but this streaks really suck, I feel like I've just been wasting time playing poker, I've been playing for nothing all this time, and I'm getting a streak so soon, just after about 250 games, it's just bad.. I don't know..

Zialum's picture
 Dude, take a deep breath

 Dude, take a deep breath and stop playing.

Take tomorrow off, exercise or do whatever will take your mind off poker. You are not in the right state of mind right now and you can lose your roll if you aren't careful. I know it feels like you are playing perfect poker, but from the sounds of your posts it's just not likely. In every bad run there is bad play, so take this time to cool off and look over hands, watch some videos and regroup.

Moving down is a very good decision to get your momentum back, and revive your bankroll. It sucks, but it is far better than going broke, and if you were properly rolled, this wouldn't feel as bad. I just went on a 10 buy in downswing, it sucked but it had almost no emotional affect on me. In fact, it made me study and I feel I am a better player than I was before. 

If you can, try to make sure you are conscious of your breathing when playing, it might help calm you and help you to focus on what is happening now as opposed to what has happened in the past. Remember, the fact that player x hit a full house on the river in your previous game has nothing to do with you taking care of player y. Don't waste your mental energy.

The fact that you are here means you are doing the right things and have a leg up on almost everyone you play. The only one who can stop you is you. 


Kahoon's picture
Thanks Zialum, I really

Thanks Zialum,

I really appreciate the support.

I really like this forum and this site, I've ordered the beginners video pack yesterday and I'm learning as much as I can.

in fact I've just subscribed today.

I'll watch some videos to calm down and hopefully learn something and come back with an edge.

jackoneill's picture
Yeah, you should really

Yeah, you should really watch more of the videos.

Especially when you're just beginning, being results oriented is the worst thing you could do.  You need to focus a lot more on learning and improving your game, you should actually spend more time with learning and studying than with playing.

Such heavy 10 buy-in downswings can also be a sign of bad play and leaks - the higher your edge in these games is, the less like it is to hit such a hard downswing.

I would expect you to only have an ROI of about 52-53% at the moment, but on the lower stakes you can easily increase that to 60%+ if you spend some time with learning.