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rofllocktree's picture
realistic ROI 57.50$ turbo

Hey guys,

I'm playing 57.50$ for a few days now, 4 tabling.

I was wondering how much my ROI can be when I play a huge sample.

To be honest I didn't see any player in about 350 games who was significant bether then myself.

Maybe I'm completely wrong @ this because I don't have too many experience myself playing these HU Sngos.

I have a lot of experience in cashgames up to 600NL, both 6max and HU.

Also, what are normal swings at these stakes, untill now I run like hell, but not shure how crazy almost 40BI under ev is:

http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/6499/husng575.jpg (don't know how to post picture here)

thx in advance!

Shad0's picture
imo u should have about 4-5%

imo u should have about 4-5% when u are 4 tabling 57.5$
( if u are good obv )

RyPac13's picture
I wouldn't expect much more

I wouldn't expect much more than what Shad said, if you are a very good player at the level.

However, there are often some overlooked areas of the game when you transition from hu cash or 6 max cash or even STT into heads up sng, regardless of your skill in the other game.

Pay particular attention to your mid to end game play (10-30bbs), that is an area where cash players, even as high as 200-400 online can be downright terrible in.

I would be very prepared to cut down on the tables you're playing.  In a heads up sng, you absolutely do not want to play any certain style, it's going to hurt you long term and really put you into a box.

You will really want to play in such a way that you are adapting to your opponent's characteristics and best exploiting them.  You might be limping 60 bbs on one table, minraising 9bbs on another and open shoving 11bbs deep on a third and that wouldn't be "out of the ordinary" if you're properly adjusting to different players.

Of course, often when you multi table you give something up, mainly the speed at which you can pick up on reads and properly adjust.  So you'll tend to auto pilot more often.

Using a HUD can help to an extent, but you totally miss the timing aspect, which is very underrated in aiding hand reading.

HappyFish's picture
I dont think it is any

I dont think it is any player in the world that doesent have a style no one is 100% adapting to there opponent/ opponents. But it is fore sure a good thing to do :).  But when you start of the match i think you shold play the way you feel most comfortable playing
"your style" and se how your opponent react on that.

So i dont think you should over adapting to your opponents play the way you feel comfortable playing and play the way that makes your opponents uncomftable.

RyPac13's picture
I think it's best to play a

I think it's best to play a style at the beginning of the match that takes advantage of your opponent's mistakes in a maximal way while at the same time not opening you up to being exploited.

For example, most players can't handle aggression well, by the middle of the match I'm usually very aggressive once I have an idea of how my opponent is playing.

So, by default, I play pretty aggressively OTB to start the match.  Honestly, it might be more comfortable for me to play more passively early, limp and check back more flops, but I know that it is correct vs a majority of my opponents to come out aggressively, so that's what I've grown acustom to doing by default.

My adjustments after that, I like to think can include anything, depending on what I feel the best strategy is against any particular opponent.