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TheCh1mp's picture
$11's to the $22's

I know I am getting ahead of myself as I have only just moved up to the $11's and have alot of work to do (and $400 to put on my roll) but I was wondering what the jump to the $22's is like in terms of the villians?  Is about 5% ROI average at this level?
I feel like when I make this jump the money will start to mean something and can almost consider myself to be a half decent player going in the right direction.


Blennus's picture
The playerfield shouldnt be

The playerfield shouldnt be that much tougher, the fish are the same but some of the regulars are a bit better, but that shouldnt bother you...

If you think you could be scared money just build your roll at the 11$level and take shots when you want to move up, just shot the 22$s for, lets say 5BI, if you lose the 5BI just grind a little longer on the 11$ and try it again.
if the shot is successfull just stay at the 22$.

And it allways helps me, when i am a bit scared money to say to myself that there is no reason, because i allready paid the Buyin and now the best thing is to play my game as good as i can, and if i get sucked out or run into a setup there is absolut nothing i can do about it.

Reviewing games does help you too.


TheCh1mp's picture
Thanks mate, Im loving HEM

Thanks mate, Im loving HEM for the HH's Im going to see how I go on the 11$ for a couple of weeks and then if all is going well I'll try and take a 5BI shot.
