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RyPac13's picture
** Hands Wanted For Board Texture Video **

Hey everyone.

One of the instructors will be doing a special board texture video in the next few weeks.

I thought it would be a good idea to have members post hands in here that they want reviewed in the video.

The video will likely work like this:  X number of hands will be put into a replayer.  The hands will be analyzed one by one throughout the video.

What do you need to do to get a hand in the video?

Post a hand in this thread.  You can change your username to "Hero" if you want your ID hidden in the video, otherwise expect your user ID to be shown.  You may also change your opponent's ID if you wish.

You may include any reads you have at the time of the hand if you wish.  This is not required, however.  You may post hands where you have no reads, or if you're curious on what to do without reads (the hands may be expanded to include advice versus various types of opponents).

In addition, you may make up your own hands if you wish, but you must turn them into actual hands that will work when put into a hand replayer.  So just edit an actual hand you've played into what you want posted and it should work fine.

Finally, these hands should be mostly about continuation betting.  Bet sizing, continuation betting versus checking, two barrel vs not two barreling and facing a flop or turn raise.  Those are all great topics for this video.  If you have others, ask first please. 

The common theme of the video will be about board textures, how to analyze the texture of the board, incorporate your reads into the analysis and ultimately leading to the best possible decision and action on your part.  If we get a lot of hands that are just flop continuation bets, we'll have multiple videos made.  The same goes for us having a lot of hands in general.

Try not to post any really crazy hands such as a min 3bet/min 4bet/min 5bet then shove, or something similar to that.  You can include the full actions in the hand to be analyzed, as they will be analyzed step by step.  We'll try to eliminate a lot of the "as played, you could do this" in spots where the decision that you made was very far from the correct decision, to allow us more time to get in every hand in the video and keep the discussion realistic and relevant.  But if you post a hand in here, it will be used in the video (minus the crazy stuff I'm asking you not to post).

If you have any questions, go ahead and post them in here.

Diceman's picture
hand for vid

No real reads at this point in the match as it's only a handful of hands in, but he did c/minraise me once on a T56ss flop a few hands before.

PokerStars Game #40899236684: Tournament #250874060, $55.00+$2.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/03/09 9:52:02 ET
Table '250874060 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: metralhamdl (1610 in chips) 
Seat 2: Diceman (1390 in chips) 
Diceman: posts small blind 10
metralhamdl: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [Qd 4s]
Diceman: raises 40 to 60
metralhamdl: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [Js Qs Th]
metralhamdl: checks 
Diceman: bets 60
metralhamdl: raises 139 to 199
Diceman: calls 139
*** TURN *** [Js Qs Th] [7h]
metralhamdl: bets 433
Diceman: folds 
Uncalled bet (433) returned to metralhamdl
metralhamdl collected 518 from pot
metralhamdl: doesn't show hand 
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 518 | Rake 0 
Board [Js Qs Th 7h]
Seat 1: metralhamdl (big blind) collected (518)
Seat 2: Diceman (button) (small blind) folded on the Turn

Great idea btw, Rypac :)

RyPac13's picture
No other hands guys? I

No other hands guys?

I figured that more of you would want feedback on board texture hands.

lolskates's picture
i've been just lurking but I

i've been just lurking but I want to contribute to this, so looking through hand histories to find some hands to post soon.
hard part is, when playing tournaments I know gameflow/notes/situations/timing, but when just replaying hands in poker tracker, I don't have all that available without replaying the entire tournament

olionion's picture
 Yeah ill have some soon,

 Yeah ill have some soon, just come back from a weekend of working 2*15 hour days straight... yuck

RyPac13's picture
Bump. Going to blog post and


Going to blog post and ask non members for hands in a day or two.

Try to get any hands you have in by Friday so they are guaranteed to be in the video.

HoppSwiiz1's picture
Hi, here is an Hand



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here is an Hand from yesterday. I'll play an $57.5 against HokieGreg HU who play for an video (I set my complete history under the video when it comes out).
I played till that point very aggressive and was ready to gamble even when I had a little bit -EV!
I raised preflop till that point every button and folded only 2.
I 4 bet shoved this hand with the expectation of about 20% fold equity, 40% flip (small/medium pocket, KQ), 40% 30:70 dog which is nearly +-0EV plus the 550 chips if I lost.

Was the 4 bet against a better player like him really so bad or ok?

PokerStars Spiel #41986087391: Turnier #258324996, $55.00+$2.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match-Runde I, Level III (25/50) - 31.03.2010 18:52:09 MEZ [31.03.2010 12:52:09 ET]
Tisch '258324996 1' 2-max Platz #1 ist der Dealer
Platz 1: mar_ten81 (1775 in Chips)
Platz 2: HokieGreg HU (1225 in Chips)
mar_ten81: setzt Small Blind: 25
HokieGreg HU: setzt Big Blind: 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
mar_ten81 bekommt: [Ad Ts]
mar_ten81: erhöht 70 auf 120
HokieGreg HU: erhöht 130 auf 250
mar_ten81: erhöht 1525 auf 1775 und ist All-in
HokieGreg HU: geht mit 975 und ist All-in
Der nicht gecallte Einsatz (550) ging zurück an mar_ten81
*** FLOP *** [4s 2s 6h]
mar_ten81 sagte, "nh"
*** TURN *** [4s 2s 6h] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [4s 2s 6h 4h] [Ks]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
HokieGreg HU: zeigt [As Ac] (Zwei Paare, Asse und Vieren)
mar_ten81: zeigt [Ad Ts] (Ein Paar, Vieren)
HokieGreg HU gewinnt 2450 aus dem Pot
Pot gesamt: 2450 | Rake: 0
Board: [4s 2s 6h 4h Ks]
Platz 1: mar_ten81 (Dealer) (Small Blind) zeigt [Ad Ts] und verliert mit Ein Paar, Vieren
Platz 2: HokieGreg HU (Big Blind) zeigt [As Ac] und gewinnt (2450) mit Zwei Paare, Asse und Vieren

Diceman's picture
 Ryan, would it be cool if

 Ryan, would it be cool if I posted more hands since there are so few?

RyPac13's picture
Definitely, post as many as

Definitely, post as many as you like.  If we need to cut down the hands, well just cut a few of your's out if you have like 10 posted here lol.

RyPac13's picture
Hoppswiz, We're looking for


We're looking for postflop hands for a board texture video.

You can post your hand in the "hand review" section or wait until Hokie's video with you comes out (or both), but because it's an all in preflop hand, it won't be appropriate for this video (sorry).

Diceman's picture
 Sweeeeet.  I'll be

 Sweeeeet.  I'll be posting some more hands tomorrow afternoon then :)

MrJayOMG's picture
PokerStars Game

PokerStars Game #41992596950: Tournament #258368960, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/03/31 19:10:14 UTC [2010/03/31 15:10:14 ET]
Table '258368960 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Alex Kondral (1350 in chips)
Seat 2: JayOh1981 (1650 in chips)
Alex Kondral: posts small blind 10
JayOh1981: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to JayOh1981 [Qc As]
Alex Kondral: raises 40 to 60
JayOh1981: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [Qs 6s 4d]
JayOh1981: checks
Alex Kondral: bets 60
JayOh1981: raises 140 to 200
Alex Kondral: calls 140
*** TURN *** [Qs 6s 4d] [5s]
JayOh1981: bets 220
Alex Kondral: raises 870 to 1090 and is all-in
JayOh1981: calls 870
*** RIVER *** [Qs 6s 4d 5s] [2c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
JayOh1981: shows [Qc As] (a pair of Queens)
Alex Kondral: shows [9s 9d] (a pair of Nines)
JayOh1981 collected 2700 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2700 | Rake 0
Board [Qs 6s 4d 5s 2c]
Seat 1: Alex Kondral (button) (small blind) showed [9s 9d] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 2: JayOh1981 (big blind) showed [Qc As] and won (2700) with a pair of Queens

lolskates's picture
Copying from notepad and

Copying from notepad and pasting, trying to get it to format properly.
Names change to protect the not so innocent.

Hand 1:
Opponent is pretty unknown, only 7 hands into the match.  We've seen flops every hand so far however.

PokerStars Game #41842492476: Tournament #257345824, $22+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/03/28 14:47:13 ET
Table '257345824 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (1160 in chips)
Seat 2: FitOrFoldVillain (1840 in chips)
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts small blind 10
FitOrFoldVillain: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [Jd Js]
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 40 to 60
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [5h 7c 6h]
FitOrFoldVillain: bets 20
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 100 to 120
FitOrFoldVillain: raises 180 to 300
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 780 to 1080
FitOrFoldVillain: raises 700 to 1780 and is all-in
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 20 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (680) returned to FitOrFoldVillain
*** TURN *** [5h 7c 6h] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [5h 7c 6h Kd] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
FitOrFoldVillain: shows [8d 4c] (a straight, Five to Nine)
YayStarcraft2Beta: shows [Jd Js] (a pair of Jacks)
FitOrFoldVillain collected 2320 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2320 | Rake 0
Board [5h 7c 6h Kd 9c]
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (button) (small blind) showed [Jd Js] and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 2: FitOrFoldVillain (big blind) showed [8d 4c] and won (2320) with a straight, Five to Nine

This hand sets the tone for the 2 below.  Didn't know much and his line was weird.  Raised the min donk, and wasn't disciplined enough to let go of an overpair here on a draw heavy flop.  Obviously took a note that he calls deck preflop.

Hand 2:
Rematch vs same opponent, midway in.  If you look this opponent up in the dictionary, his picture is next to the calling station.  Very loose preflop, but postflop he's been 100% fit or fold, no tricks, no traps.

PokerStars Game #41843187839: Tournament #257347289, $22+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2010/03/28 15:00:55 ET
Table '257347289 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: FitOrFoldVillain (1220 in chips)
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (1780 in chips)
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts small blind 25
FitOrFoldVillain: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [5h Ks]
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 50 to 100
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 50
*** FLOP *** [7s Kd 4c]
FitOrFoldVillain: checks
YayStarcraft2Beta: bets 100
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 100
*** TURN *** [7s Kd 4c] [9d]
FitOrFoldVillain: checks
YayStarcraft2Beta: bets 150
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 150
*** RIVER *** [7s Kd 4c 9d] [Jd]
FitOrFoldVillain: checks
YayStarcraft2Beta: bets 150
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 150
*** SHOW DOWN ***
YayStarcraft2Beta: shows [5h Ks] (a pair of Kings)
FitOrFoldVillain: mucks hand
YayStarcraft2Beta collected 1000 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1000 | Rake 0
Board [7s Kd 4c 9d Jd]
Seat 1: FitOrFoldVillain (big blind) mucked [6c 6s]
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (button) (small blind) showed [5h Ks] and won (1000) with a pair of Kings

I think he would let me know if he made 2 pair+ at some point, don't think he would let me know if had a better kicker with a king.  Tried to extract value without valuetowning myself too hard if he shows up with K8+.  Board was non threatening with rainbow unconnected flop, board came out about as good as it could for 3 streets value imo.

Hand 3:
Same opponent a little after the above hand.

PokerStars Game #41843299135: Tournament #257347289, $22+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2010/03/28 15:02:50 ET
Table '257347289 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: FitOrFoldVillain (845 in chips)
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (2155 in chips)
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts small blind 25
FitOrFoldVillain: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [7d 5h]
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 50 to 100
FitOrFoldVillain: calls 50
*** FLOP *** [4h 2h 7h]
FitOrFoldVillain: bets 100
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 100
*** TURN *** [4h 2h 7h] [4c]
FitOrFoldVillain: bets 100
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 100
*** RIVER *** [4h 2h 7h 4c] [3s]
FitOrFoldVillain: checks
YayStarcraft2Beta: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
FitOrFoldVillain: shows [8d 8c] (two pair, Eights and Fours)
YayStarcraft2Beta: mucks hand
FitOrFoldVillain collected 600 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 600 | Rake 0
Board [4h 2h 7h 4c 3s]
Seat 1: FitOrFoldVillain (big blind) showed [8d 8c] and won (600) with two pair, Eights and Fours
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (button) (small blind) mucked [7d 5h]

Preflop min raise a little suspect since he doesn't think at all, probably could have limped.  Donk on flop interpreting to be good heart draw, top pair, flush, overpair.  Possibly not even the draw.  We do have the toppest most pair, and figure to have equity with either two pair/trips or baby flush.  Absolutely no reason to bluff or raise at any point in this hand on this board when this opponent shows a little aggression. 

hand 4:
Different opponent.
Villain is not very good.  Plays passively unless he has good hand.

PokerStars Game #42077711221: Tournament #258955686, $33.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/04/02 10:59:18 ET
Table '258955686 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: PassiveVillain (1610 in chips)
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (1390 in chips)
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts small blind 10
PassiveVillain: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [Ad Qs]
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 40 to 60
PassiveVillain: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [Ts Ac Ks]
PassiveVillain: checks
YayStarcraft2Beta: bets 90
PassiveVillain: raises 90 to 180
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 90
*** TURN *** [Ts Ac Ks] [5s]
PassiveVillain: bets 200
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 200
*** RIVER *** [Ts Ac Ks 5s] [Kc]
PassiveVillain: bets 220
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 220
*** SHOW DOWN ***
PassiveVillain: shows [Jh Qh] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
YayStarcraft2Beta: mucks hand
PassiveVillain collected 1320 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1320 | Rake 0
Board [Ts Ac Ks 5s Kc]
Seat 1: PassiveVillain (big blind) showed [Jh Qh] and won (1320) with a straight, Ten to Ace
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (button) (small blind) mucked [Ad Qs]

Against some opponents, a case could be made for flop shove, or even turn shove.  Against this guy, I think we're just getting owned by better hands, and possibly folding out worse.  Flop min raise is probably pair of aces or better.

Hand 5:
New villain.
Villain raises literally 95% of buttons for 2x BB.  Continuation bet flop VERY HIGH, continue turn and riv also HIGH.

PokerStars Game #42083242617: Tournament #258995610, $33.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/04/02 13:15:58 ET
Table '258995610 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (1340 in chips)
Seat 2: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (1660 in chips)
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: posts small blind 10
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [As Kd]
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: raises 20 to 40
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 100 to 140
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: calls 100
*** FLOP *** [9c 7s Qd]
YayStarcraft2Beta: bets 180
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: calls 180
*** TURN *** [9c 7s Qd] [Ts]
YayStarcraft2Beta: checks
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 300
YayStarcraft2Beta: folds
Uncalled bet (300) returned to RaiseEveryBenjaminButton
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton collected 640 from pot
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 640 | Rake 0
Board [9c 7s Qd Ts]
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (button) (small blind) collected (640)

Preflop 3b clear value, flop c-bet looks pretty standard.  Think his range crushes the turn board though, and there's tons of possible good 1 pair(+ str draw), 2 pair, straights in his range.  Hated having to give up equity by folding the turn.  Any other options for this hand flop or turn?  We haven't been in a lot of 3 bet pots.

Hand 6:
Same villain

PokerStars Game #42083388796: Tournament #258995610, $33.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/04/02 13:19:16 ET
Table '258995610 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (1000 in chips)
Seat 2: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (2000 in chips)
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: posts small blind 10
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [7d 9s]
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: raises 20 to 40
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 20
*** FLOP *** [Jd Qd 7h]
YayStarcraft2Beta: checks
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 40
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 40
*** TURN *** [Jd Qd 7h] [6h]
YayStarcraft2Beta: checks
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 60
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 60
*** RIVER *** [Jd Qd 7h 6h] [2c]
YayStarcraft2Beta: checks
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 140
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 140
*** SHOW DOWN ***
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: shows [9c Kc] (high card King)
YayStarcraft2Beta: shows [7d 9s] (a pair of Sevens)
YayStarcraft2Beta collected 560 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 560 | Rake 0
Board [Jd Qd 7h 6h 2c]
Seat 1: YayStarcraft2Beta (big blind) showed [7d 9s] and won (560) with a pair of Sevens
Seat 2: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (button) (small blind) showed [9c Kc] and lost with high card King

Obviously very scary board with a fairly poor hand.  As mentioned, this villain barrels and barrels and barrels.  Folded me out a few times before on the turn on troublesome boards.  Decided given the board he'd barrel a HUGE range, Qx Jx T9 98 KT K9 54 either flush draw.  Also decided that if I call here I pretty much have to call a good river.  River completely bricked, snap called.  Love it/hate it? Maybe could have 3-bet pre with a hand like this to try and exploit his close to deck opening range.  Also could fold pre I suppose, defend tighter.

Hand 7:
same villain, game 5 of a 6 game series(currently 3-1)

PokerStars Game #42083661731: Tournament #258998172, $33.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/04/02 13:25:23 ET
Table '258998172 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (920 in chips)
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (2080 in chips)
YayStarcraft2Beta: posts small blind 10
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to YayStarcraft2Beta [8c 9c]
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 40 to 60
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [Td 2c Js]
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 80
YayStarcraft2Beta: calls 80
*** TURN *** [Td 2c Js] [6c]
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: bets 120
YayStarcraft2Beta: raises 880 to 1000
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: calls 660 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (220) returned to YayStarcraft2Beta
*** RIVER *** [Td 2c Js 6c] [Jh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton: shows [9s Th] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
YayStarcraft2Beta: shows [8c 9c] (a pair of Jacks)
RaiseEveryBenjaminButton collected 1840 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1840 | Rake 0
Board [Td 2c Js 6c Jh]
Seat 1: RaiseEveryBenjaminButton (big blind) showed [9s Th] and won (1840) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 2: YayStarcraft2Beta (button) (small blind) showed [8c 9c] and lost with a pair of Jacks

He donked the flop occasionally.  Had seen bottom pair, a gutter + fd(called flop raise and turn, bluff shoved riv when bricked) previously.  Turn card gives a ton of equity, and figured we could leverage fold equity since his hand may not be incredibly strong.  Figured a jack would call ez, hoping to fold a ten, draw, low pocket pair, random air.  Since he called with only a middle pair middle kicker hand, it looks like it would have been better to flat and play river perfectly.

Laroutchezxz's picture
Board texture hand 1

.wt_rel td {font-weight: bold;}
.hheader { font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 13px; color: black; }
.wt_hh1 { font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-size : 12px; color: black; }
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.wt_t1 { font-size : 11px; color: black; background-color: #eeeeee; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 4px; border:1px solid #DDDDFF; }
.wt_blue {color:blue}
.weaktight_hand {font-size: 11px;}
.wt_ul {list-style:none;}

I'll post a couple of ''not super exiting hand''   but certainly thoses who appends very often an I'll ask questions about board texture in relation to villain's range.

Here , facing Tight ,can I lower my c-bet size (45-60 /120pot) because we just have to much of foldindg equity on that board but crushed by his range when he C/C or C/R.

But, facing loose or agressive, so often I simply don't know what to do . If I check behind , sometime its good ,sometime not.  But if I cbet ( 80/120pot)and he raise or call its become very villain dependent. Overall, I think it's a better flop for him than for me. I defenitely bleed more often than I win here. I think it's because I'll fold on later streets to often,  and will loose a big pot or win a small pot.

Hope to have new ideas about this type of tough (23$ turbo on Pokerstar)



Effective Stacks: 72bb
Blinds 10/20

  • Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Laroutchez is SB

Laroutchez raises to 60, Allucaneat83 calls 40

  • Flop (120, 2 players)

Allucaneat83 checks, Laroutchez bets 60, Allucaneat83 folds


  • Final Pot: 180


Diceman's picture
here are some more

here are some more hands

PokerStars Game #41505093503: Tournament #255049831, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (15/30) - 2010/03/21 17:14:14 ET
Table '255049831 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: lebanquier99 (2075 in chips)
Seat 2: Diceman (925 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 15
lebanquier99: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [6s 5h]
Diceman: raises 45 to 75
lebanquier99: calls 45
*** FLOP *** [5s 8d 6c]
lebanquier99: checks
Diceman: bets 75
lebanquier99: calls 75
*** TURN *** [5s 8d 6c] [9d]
lebanquier99: checks
Diceman: checks
*** RIVER *** [5s 8d 6c 9d] [2h]
lebanquier99: bets 210
Diceman: calls 210
*** SHOW DOWN ***
lebanquier99: shows [Ah Js] (high card Ace)
Diceman: shows [6s 5h] (two pair, Sixes and Fives)
Diceman collected 720 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 720 | Rake 0
Board [5s 8d 6c 9d 2h]
Seat 1: lebanquier99 (big blind) showed [Ah Js] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 2: Diceman (button) (small blind) showed [6s 5h] and won (720) with two pair, Sixes and Fives
PokerStars Game #41501131400: Tournament #255027716, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/03/21 16:06:06 ET
Table '255027716 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Diceman (1420 in chips)
Seat 2: -ONEDAY-WS (1580 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 10
-ONEDAY-WS: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [9d 8h]
Diceman: raises 40 to 60
-ONEDAY-WS: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [4s Qc 9c]
-ONEDAY-WS: checks
Diceman: bets 60
-ONEDAY-WS: raises 60 to 120
Diceman: calls 60
*** TURN *** [4s Qc 9c] [Ks]
-ONEDAY-WS: bets 100
Diceman: calls 100
*** RIVER *** [4s Qc 9c Ks] [7d]
-ONEDAY-WS: bets 120
Diceman: calls 120
*** SHOW DOWN ***
-ONEDAY-WS: shows [Ac 5c] (high card Ace)
Diceman: shows [9d 8h] (a pair of Nines)
Diceman collected 800 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 800 | Rake 0
Board [4s Qc 9c Ks 7d]
Seat 1: Diceman (button) (small blind) showed [9d 8h] and won (800) with a pair of Nines
Seat 2: -ONEDAY-WS (big blind) showed [Ac 5c] and lost with high card Ace
PokerStars Game #41495132287: Tournament #302010527, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (15/30) - 2010/03/21 14:19:05 ET
Table '302010527 52' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: dragonnet (1305 in chips)
Seat 2: Diceman (1695 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 15
dragonnet: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [9d 5h]
Diceman: raises 45 to 75
dragonnet: calls 45
*** FLOP *** [Jc 7s 8d]
dragonnet: checks
Diceman: bets 75
dragonnet: calls 75
*** TURN *** [Jc 7s 8d] [As]
dragonnet: bets 90
Diceman: raises 180 to 270
dragonnet: folds
Uncalled bet (180) returned to Diceman
Diceman collected 480 from pot
Diceman: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 480 | Rake 0
Board [Jc 7s 8d As]
Seat 1: dragonnet (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: Diceman (button) (small blind) collected (480)
PokerStars Game #41305459109: Tournament #253689787, $33.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2010/03/17 16:00:59 ET
Table '253689787 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Diceman (1265 in chips)
Seat 2: quirino jamb (1735 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 25
quirino jamb: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [Ad 8h]
Diceman: raises 50 to 100
quirino jamb: calls 50
*** FLOP *** [Th Td 4h]
quirino jamb: checks
Diceman: bets 100
quirino jamb: raises 100 to 200
Diceman: calls 100
*** TURN *** [Th Td 4h] [Qs]
quirino jamb: bets 200
Diceman: calls 200
*** RIVER *** [Th Td 4h Qs] [2c]
quirino jamb: checks
Diceman: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
quirino jamb: shows [9d Jc] (a pair of Tens)
Diceman: shows [Ad 8h] (a pair of Tens - Ace kicker)
Diceman collected 1000 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1000 | Rake 0
Board [Th Td 4h Qs 2c]
Seat 1: Diceman (button) (small blind) showed [Ad 8h] and won (1000) with a pair of Tens
Seat 2: quirino jamb (big blind) showed [9d Jc] and lost with a pair of Tens

Laroutchezxz's picture
Board texture hand 2

Here, facing unknow villain, 3 different things comes in my mind

-I can cbet because that one high card flop give me some folding equity
-If he is a calling station , there is a ton of call from him
- K high have some showdown value

What can I deduce from thoses points ? Are they exact ?or wrong?

Secondly.  Played like that (check back the flop), can I bet turn or it's kind of transparent ,retarded move. 

I decided to not bet the turn because I'll only fold his bluffing hands  but I insta fold to his river bet. I really not sure if that hand make sense( my way to play) 

I know that it's not deasaster but thats the kind of hand where I simply dont know how to adjust correctly to my opponent.



Effective Stacks: 43bb
Blinds 15/30

  • Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Laroutchez is SB

Laroutchez raises to 60, paulh717 calls 30

  • Flop (120, 2 players)

paulh717 checks, Laroutchez checks

  • Turn (120, 2 players)

paulh717 checks, Laroutchez checks

  • River (120, 2 players)

paulh717 bets 90, Laroutchez folds


  • Final Pot: 210


olionion's picture
 Hi Not sure if im too late


Not sure if im too late with these but here are mine, most of them are related to spots where i wasnt sure a cbet was best:

***** Hand History for Game 19808597833 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:46:30 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $2280.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $720.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$30.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$60.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Ad 4s ]
Olionion raises [$2250.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$660.00 USD]
Olionion shows [Ad, 4s ]
ulolmynuts shows [Td, Qs ]
Olionion wins $1560.00 USD
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 5c, 3c ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]
Olionion wins $1440.00 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 19808580797 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:45:19 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1320.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1680.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$30.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$60.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Kc 8d ]
Olionion calls [$30.00 USD]
ulolmynuts checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2h, Jh, 9c ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
ulolmynuts bets [$120.00 USD]
Olionion folds
ulolmynuts wins $120.00 USD
ulolmynuts wins $120.00 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 19808565921 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:44:22 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1240.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1760.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$25.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Qh Th ]
Olionion raises [$75.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$50.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8h, 3d, 4s ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5d ]
ulolmynuts bets [$150.00 USD]
Olionion folds
ulolmynuts wins $150.00 USD
ulolmynuts wins $200.00 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 19808528030 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:41:43 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1290.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1710.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$25.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  5c Kh ]
Olionion raises [$75.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$50.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2d, 8c, 6h ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]
ulolmynuts bets [$150.00 USD]
Olionion folds
ulolmynuts wins $150.00 USD
ulolmynuts wins $200.00 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 19808504583 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:40:04 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1240.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1760.00 USD )
ulolmynuts posts small blind [$20.00 USD].
Olionion posts big blind [$40.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Ks 5d ]
ulolmynuts calls [$20.00 USD]
Olionion checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 8h, Qh ]
Olionion checks
ulolmynuts checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
Olionion checks
ulolmynuts bets [$80.00 USD]
Olionion folds
ulolmynuts wins $80.00 USD
ulolmynuts wins $80.00 USD from main pot
***** Hand History for Game 19808475595 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:38:03 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1560.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1440.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$15.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$30.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Kh Ac ]
Olionion raises [$45.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$30.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, 2d, Th ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ]
ulolmynuts bets [$90.00 USD]
Olionion raises [$200.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$110.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 5s ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion bets [$310.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$310.00 USD]
Olionion shows [Kh, Ac ]
Olionion wins $1140.00 USD from main pot
ulolmynuts doesn't show [2c, Jc ]
***** Hand History for Game 19808442716 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 08:35:45 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151644570) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1590.00 USD )
Seat 2: ulolmynuts ( $1410.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$15.00 USD].
ulolmynuts posts big blind [$30.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Ah Kd ]
Olionion raises [$45.00 USD]
ulolmynuts calls [$30.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 8d, 7d ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2c ]
ulolmynuts bets [$90.00 USD]
Olionion calls [$90.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 2h ]
ulolmynuts checks
Olionion checks
ulolmynuts shows [Qd, Td ]
Olionion shows [Ah, Kd ]
Olionion wins $300.00 USD from main pot

Looser Vogel's picture
Please a few hands with a

Please a few hands with a raised pot and monochrome flops! Can't find anything decent myself :-(


olionion's picture
another from me

 ***** Hand History for Game 19838143992 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, April 05, 10:24:38 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151894410) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1500.00 USD )
Seat 2: bigchiprack ( $1500.00 USD )
bigchiprack posts small blind [$15.00 USD].
Olionion posts big blind [$30.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  3c Ac ]
bigchiprack raises [$45.00 USD]
Olionion calls [$30.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, 5c, 6h ]
Olionion checks
bigchiprack bets [$60.00 USD]
Olionion calls [$60.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6d ]
Olionion checks
bigchiprack checks
** Dealing River ** [ Qc ]
Olionion bets [$100.00 USD]
bigchiprack raises [$330.00 USD]
Olionion calls [$230.00 USD]
bigchiprack shows [Jc, 4c ]
Olionion shows [3c, Ac ]
Olionion wins $900.00 USD from main pot

olionion's picture
 ive got a few monochrome

 ive got a few monochrome ones, most of them played badly so probably good to have in :)

***** Hand History for Game 19817221456 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 04, 03:26:32 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151714950) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: big_fish72 ( $1550.00 USD )
Seat 2: Olionion ( $1450.00 USD )
big_fish72 posts small blind [$25.00 USD].
Olionion posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  8d 7c ]
big_fish72 calls [$25.00 USD]
Olionion checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8h, 7h, 6h ]
Olionion bets [$75.00 USD]
big_fish72 calls [$75.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ]
Olionion checks
big_fish72 bets [$140.00 USD]
Olionion raises [$300.00 USD]
big_fish72 calls [$160.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 5d ]
Olionion bets [$550.00 USD]
big_fish72 calls [$550.00 USD]
Olionion shows [8d, 7c ]
Olionion wins $1950.00 USD from main pot
big_fish72 doesn't show [Ah, 4d ]

***** Hand History for Game 19835182967 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, April 05, 07:05:25 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151867686) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: abekatten666 ( $1590.00 USD )
Seat 2: Olionion ( $1410.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$15.00 USD].
abekatten666 posts big blind [$30.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  5h Kc ]
Olionion calls [$15.00 USD]
abekatten666 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, Td, 4d ]
abekatten666 checks
Olionion bets [$45.00 USD]
abekatten666 calls [$45.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
abekatten666 checks
Olionion bets [$120.00 USD]
abekatten666 calls [$120.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 6s ]
abekatten666 checks
Olionion bets [$120.00 USD]
abekatten666 calls [$120.00 USD]
Olionion shows [5h, Kc ]
abekatten666 shows [9d, Kh ]
abekatten666 wins $630.00 USD from main pot



olionion's picture
and a couple more fyp and amusement

 ***** Hand History for Game 19837694769 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, April 05, 09:57:21 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151889092) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $740.00 USD )
Seat 2: bigchiprack ( $2260.00 USD )
Olionion posts small blind [$25.00 USD].
bigchiprack posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  4c Kh ]
Olionion raises [$75.00 USD]
bigchiprack calls [$50.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 5s, 4s ]
bigchiprack checks
Olionion checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3h ]
bigchiprack bets [$100.00 USD]
Olionion calls [$100.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 2d ]
bigchiprack checks
Olionion checks
bigchiprack shows [5c, 6d ]
Olionion shows [4c, Kh ]
bigchiprack wins $200.00 USD from main pot
Olionion wins $200.00 USD from main pot

***** Hand History for Game 19838008131 ***** (Full Tilt)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, April 05, 10:16:35 ET 2010
Table 11  050 Heads Up Sit  Go (151892068) Table 1 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Olionion ( $1360.00 USD )
Seat 2: bigchiprack ( $1640.00 USD )
bigchiprack posts small blind [$25.00 USD].
Olionion posts big blind [$50.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Olionion [  Th Ad ]
bigchiprack calls [$25.00 USD]
Olionion checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 2s, Js ]
Olionion checks
bigchiprack bets [$50.00 USD]
Olionion folds
bigchiprack wins $50.00 USD
bigchiprack wins $100.00 USD from main pot

jackoneill's picture
I have a lot of problems in

I have a lot of problems in spots like this:

Villain is loose-passive, but he did already raise a few of my flop and turn leads in limped pots.  Overall, I had the impression that he likes to slowplay big hands, so I see his line here as super strong - so I'd definitely fold A9 and even TT/JJ here.

However, I had Top Two here and convinced myself that he could have played 97 and 78 the same way, so I made the "hero call".

PokerStars Game #42243153903: Tournament #260078132, $30.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2010/04/05 18:19:49 ET
Table '260078132 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: jackoneill76 (945 in chips)
Seat 2: Faldorn07 (2055 in chips)
Faldorn07: posts small blind 25
jackoneill76: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to jackoneill76 [9c 8c]
Faldorn07: calls 25
jackoneill76: checks
*** FLOP *** [7h 2d 9s]
jackoneill76: bets 50
Faldorn07: calls 50
*** TURN *** [7h 2d 9s] [3h]
jackoneill76: bets 150
Faldorn07: calls 150
*** RIVER *** [7h 2d 9s 3h] [8s]
jackoneill76: bets 250
Faldorn07: raises 850 to 1100
jackoneill76: calls 445 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (405) returned to Faldorn07
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Faldorn07: shows [5c 6c] (a straight, Five to Nine)
jackoneill76: shows [9c 8c] (two pair, Nines and Eights)
Faldorn07 collected 1890 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1890 | Rake 0
Board [7h 2d 9s 3h 8s]
Seat 1: jackoneill76 (big blind) showed [9c 8c] and lost with two pair, Nines and Eights
Seat 2: Faldorn07 (button) (small blind) showed [5c 6c] and won (1890) with a straight, Five to Nine

RyPac13's picture
Nobody is too late. The

Nobody is too late.

The video should be made this weekend.  Keep sending as many hands as you guys like.  We'll make multiple videos if the hands we have take a lot of time to review on video.  I wouldn't be opposed to having like 3-4 board texture videos if we receive enough hands.

It appears we have enough for at least one video, so I won't be opening this one up to non members this time.

For the 3betting video I may, however.  I'll prioritize for all members, always.  That way, actual paying customers that are working hard on their games get the benefit of direct feedback first, since they've earned it and most deserve it.

Diceman's picture
 PokerStars Game

 PokerStars Game #42331691305: Tournament #260693799, $55.00+$2.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2010/04/07 17:07:21 ET
Table '260693799 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: IMOCAN45 (1520 in chips)
Seat 2: Diceman (1480 in chips)
IMOCAN45: posts small blind 10
Diceman: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [8h 8s]
IMOCAN45: raises 20 to 40
Diceman: raises 80 to 120
IMOCAN45: calls 80
*** FLOP *** [Td Jd 6d]
Diceman: bets 150
IMOCAN45: calls 150
*** TURN *** [Td Jd 6d] [Th]
Diceman: checks
IMOCAN45: bets 100
Diceman: calls 100
*** RIVER *** [Td Jd 6d Th] [Kh]
Diceman: checks
IMOCAN45: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Diceman: shows [8h 8s] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
IMOCAN45: mucks hand
Diceman collected 740 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 740 | Rake 0
Board [Td Jd 6d Th Kh]
Seat 1: IMOCAN45 (button) (small blind) mucked [2c 2h]
Seat 2: Diceman (big blind) showed [8h 8s] and won (740) with two pair, Tens and Eights
2) This player had folded to a ton of my c-bets on various board textures, but is pretty competent overall
PokerStars Game #42047415789: Tournament #258738544, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level I (20/40) - 2010/04/01 17:42:18 ET
Table '258738544 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Diceman (3300 in chips)
Seat 2: Nederlanders (2700 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 20
Nederlanders: posts big blind 40
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [2c 2d]
Diceman: raises 80 to 120
Nederlanders: calls 80
*** FLOP *** [4d 5d 3d]
Nederlanders: checks
Diceman: bets 120
Nederlanders: calls 120
*** TURN *** [4d 5d 3d] [Th]
Nederlanders: checks
Diceman: bets 320
Nederlanders: calls 320
*** RIVER *** [4d 5d 3d Th] [4c]
Nederlanders: checks
Diceman: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Nederlanders: shows [5s Ks] (two pair, Fives and Fours)
Diceman: mucks hand
Nederlanders collected 1120 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1120 | Rake 0
Board [4d 5d 3d Th 4c]
Seat 1: Diceman (button) (small blind) mucked [2c 2d]
Seat 2: Nederlanders (big blind) showed [5s Ks] and won (1120) with two pair, Fives and Fours
PokerStars Game #42045217712: Tournament #258727737, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (15/30) - 2010/04/01 16:56:00 ET
Table '258727737 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Diceman (1280 in chips)
Seat 2: sprad94 (1720 in chips)
sprad94: posts small blind 15
Diceman: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [Kc Qs]
sprad94: calls 15
Diceman: raises 60 to 90
sprad94: calls 60
*** FLOP *** [9s 9d 9c]
Diceman: bets 90
sprad94: calls 90
*** TURN *** [9s 9d 9c] [Js]
Diceman: checks
sprad94: checks
*** RIVER *** [9s 9d 9c Js] [6d]
Diceman: checks
sprad94: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Diceman: shows [Kc Qs] (three of a kind, Nines)
sprad94: mucks hand
Diceman collected 360 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 360 | Rake 0
Board [9s 9d 9c Js 6d]
Seat 1: Diceman (big blind) showed [Kc Qs] and won (360) with three of a kind, Nines
Seat 2: sprad94 (button) (small blind) mucked [Ts Kh]
4)  This one was actually played today so I have some info that I can actually provide.  Villain is not great, and tends to be more reactive than active in most situations.  He’s also been calling OOP about 60% pre-flop and has a bet turn and river percentage that were each 40%
PokerStars Game #42370311866: Tournament #260950536, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (25/50) - 2010/04/08 14:08:01 ET
Table '260950536 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: bache1 (1210 in chips)
Seat 2: Diceman (1790 in chips)
Diceman: posts small blind 25
bache1: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [Td 7h]
Diceman: raises 50 to 100
bache1: calls 50
*** FLOP *** [Qh Tc 3d]
bache1: checks
Diceman: bets 100
bache1: calls 100
*** TURN *** [Qh Tc 3d] [8d]
bache1: checks
Diceman: checks
*** RIVER *** [Qh Tc 3d 8d] [7s]
bache1: bets 300
Diceman: raises 1290 to 1590 and is all-in
bache1: calls 710 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (580) returned to Diceman
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Diceman: shows [Td 7h] (two pair, Tens and Sevens)
bache1: shows [3h Qd] (two pair, Queens and Threes)
bache1 collected 2420 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2420 | Rake 0
Board [Qh Tc 3d 8d 7s]
Seat 1: bache1 (big blind) showed [3h Qd] and won (2420) with two pair, Queens and Threes
Seat 2: Diceman (button) (small blind) showed [Td 7h] and lost with two pair, Tens and Sevens
PokerStars Game #41816908019: Tournament #257165330, $110+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (15/30) - 2010/03/28 1:01:16 ET
Table '257165330 1' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Diceman (1135 in chips)
Seat 2: moes104 (1865 in chips)
moes104: posts small blind 15
Diceman: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Diceman [Qh Qc]
moes104: calls 15
Diceman: raises 60 to 90
moes104: calls 60
*** FLOP *** [Kh 4s 9h]
Diceman: bets 90
moes104: raises 90 to 180
Diceman: calls 90
*** TURN *** [Kh 4s 9h] [Jd]
Diceman: checks
moes104: bets 150
Diceman: calls 150
*** RIVER *** [Kh 4s 9h Jd] [7h]
Diceman: checks
moes104: bets 420
Diceman: folds
Uncalled bet (420) returned to moes104
moes104 collected 840 from pot
moes104: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 840 | Rake 0
Board [Kh 4s 9h Jd 7h]
Seat 1: Diceman (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 2: moes104 (button) (small blind) collected (840)

RyPac13's picture
The first part of this will

The first part of this will be up tomorrow night.

niceiq25's picture
new hand

***** Hand History for Game 8873103734 *****NL Texas Hold'em $210 USD Buy-in Trny: 49948498 Level: 2  Blinds(30/60) - Tuesday, February 02, 09:01:25 EST 2010Table Table  137129 (Real Money)Seat 1 is the buttonTotal number of players : 2/2 Seat 1: hohoho ( 2,580 )Seat 2: hihihi ( 1,420 )Trny: 49948498 Level: 2 Blinds(30/60)** Dealing down cards **Dealt to hohoho [  Kh 7s ]hohoho raises [90]hihihi calls [60]** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, 5h, 6s ]hihihi checkshohoho is all-In  [2,460]hihihi is all-In  [1,300]** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ]** Dealing River ** [ 3c ]hihihi shows [ 5d, 6d ]two pairs, Sixes and Fives.hohoho shows [ Kh, 7s ]a pair of Sevens.hohoho wins 1,160 chips from the side pot 1 with a pair of Sevens.hihihi wins 2,840 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Sixes and Fives.Game #8873104562 starts.#Game No : 8873104562

RyPac13's picture
Thanks. We're working on part

Thanks.We're working on part 2 and beyond very soon.  Skates is out of town this weekend and was two weekends ago too.  It's just been tough aligning our schedules lately, so look for late next week on part 2 of this series to be up.