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selker's picture


what kind of brm should i use playing hu sng
starting at 5.25$ ?

mrspiky's picture
100 dollars, if you play one

100 dollars, if you play one table at the time is plenty.
It is like a horse but with shorter legs and bigger ears...(and  we all love it!)

It is like a horse but with shorter legs and bigger ears...(and  we all love it!)

selker's picture
ok ty so if i go broke

ok ty

so if i go broke after watching all the beginners videos and playing 1 table at a time
non turbos
i should not play poker agian.

RyPac13's picture
Not necessarily. If you put

Not necessarily.

If you put in the effort and take what you can from the videos, I don't think you'll have a high chance of going broke playing the $5s, but with less than 20 buyins and being a newer player, there's always plenty chance (even if you're a winner) of bad luck busting your roll.

For example, if you win 53% of the time, you could easily lose $100 at one point over a few hundred game.

If you look at the variance calculator in the "tools" section of our site, plus in a winrate and an amount of games to give an example of what your graph could look like.

I just plugged in a 53% winrate over 300 games and 3 of the 10 times I hit "submit" it showed a 10 buyin loss or more overall at one point in the 300 games.

selker's picture
ok ty but just in case im

ok ty

but just in case im starting with 150$

ACES15FULL's picture
You should be ok with $150.

You should be ok with $150. I started with $100 when I started playing the 5s and then moved up at like $420ish. This isn't to say there won't be downswings or break even stretches. It won't be out of the ordinary to go 150 games with only a couple buy in profit.

selker's picture
ok im trying to purchase the

ok im trying to purchase the beginners pack and paypal does not allow shipping from my country

wich is iceland btw(god damn entrepreneurs)

so admins can i ship thru pokerstars ?

xSCWx's picture
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