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dzikijohnny's picture
Playing a donk fish

So what are you guys lines for playing a donk fish i.e. someone who's stats are saying he is donk betting 75%+ or the time.  Recently played several of them at FTP $5 Reg speed.  So far I am mixing it up with calling with any pair or draw, reraising with some and bluffing with air sometimes.  Also am floating by calling flop donk and raising a donk bet or check.  Anyone else finding a lot of people doing this?  ps isn't it cool the HEM has this stat and also fold to raise of donk bet.

RyPac13's picture
Yes, those stats can be very

Yes, those stats can be very helpful in these instances.Try to formulate a range, both a donking range, their calling range vs your raise and their 2 barrel donking range.Once you know what he's doing this with, you can form a very precise counter strategy.

dzikijohnny's picture
Is it also right to be doing

Is it also right to be doing this?  I tighten up my preflop raising range and limp more and trap more.  Also I will drop my preflop open raises down to 2.5 or 2 when the stack are still deep enough that I would be doing 3 bbs.

kingcobra's picture
Well you don't want these

Well you don't want these people folding too much preflop, this is a huge leak for them and the more flops you see the better.  Donking out that much, any piece of the board, good draw, or even high card is going to be worth playing.  As for raising, it depends on how he responds to them, if he's donking all 3 streets then you can just let him spew a lot of the time, if he's folding worse hands to pressure too much you want to back off on this, if he's as loose calling raises as he is donking then let him have it :)