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calexc123's picture
min reraising a raiser

if a guy is min raise c bettin every hand is it a good strategy to combat it by min reraisin every hand u would play hand an c bettin ure self untill he ajusts an starts 4 betting and floating alot ?? and if he starts 4 betting isnt this good arnt u inducing him to make mistakes            

kingcobra's picture
Well it depends on the size

Well it depends on the size of the pot that is min c bet, when someone bets small a lot the key is to be able to float him when you have the odds and look to get him to put real money in the pot when you've got the best hand, this will depend on the player's tendencies, there's a reason why we don't play this way though and you just look to exploit it. 

MrJayOMG's picture
I think I recall Cog made a

I think I recall Cog made a good video vs this type of villain. Def worth a watch.