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nodeg's picture
HUSNG article/post?

I saw a post about the math calculations involved in determining potential hourly recently.  I'm pretty sure it was here, but it may have been 2+2 or FTR.  I can't seem to find it now.  Anyone know the article/post I'm talking about?  The author explains how rakeback, multi-tabling and game duration effect everything.  I thougth it was an intersting read, and would appreciate it if anyone knows where it is and can point me in the right direction.Thanks.

RyPac13's picture
If it's the one that I'm

If it's the one that I'm thinking of that was recently republished, I think it's best for you to just do calculations for your own situation, as the examples in that one probably are not going to help you much (just bc one guy can 8 table $50s with a 5% ROI and 2 table them for 15% does not mean your 9% 2 table is a 3% ROI 8 tabling, for instance).But now that I look at your post again, I don't think I'm talking about the same article, as the one I was thinking of does not ell you how to determine potential hourly, nor does it tell you how to do any calculations.What you're talking about does sound interesting, however.  Let me know when you find it, I'm interested to se the calculations and organization of the article.

nodeg's picture
Which article are you

Which article are you refering to?

chugenemes's picture
are you talking about this

are you talking about this one? http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/58/heads-up-nl/husng-theory-rake-tourn... Edit: pretty sure it isn't after re-reading the OP.