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jb514's picture
ROI Question

This is kind of a fishy question but what ROI's are achievable at the $6-$22 turbo. I feel like at the $6 games 15% is sustainable, but what about at the $22?

kingcobra's picture
You may find the players at

You may find the players at the 22's easier to beat actually, you'll see less unorthodox play, you can get better reads on them overall.  A lot of it depends on your game though, you will run into better players as you move up but there's not a lot of difference between the two, there will be more decent to good players but you can just scope them and stay out of their way if you want.  At these small levels there are plenty of fish though and all you need to do is sit down and you should be in against the fish more often than not, fish never check your stats but some of the better players at 22 will and they will avoid you if your own stats look good :)

LJH2100's picture
I am beating the $11.50

I am beating the $11.50 4-mans for 27+% but I couldn't get a grip on the 6.25s for some reason.  That is turbo on Stars.  Not to hijack the thread but is the 27% doable over the long term at that level, that is winning about 33.33% of the sngs.  The thing I appreciate about the 4-man sngs is that if you can be 2W-2L but if you win in the right combination you will still be up. 

kingcobra's picture
You could also be 2-2 down 2

You could also be 2-2 down 2 buyins :)