Hi!I've just started watching some of the videos and feel a little lost, because I don't know right now, where to start. Could you recommend some videos to begin with or is there any "video guide" on this page? Could be helpful for beginners.Thanks for any hint..lMikado
Here's a recent thread that might be helpful to you: http://www.husng.com/content/where-start-1There's no actual guide, but it would be great if an enthusiastic member wrote one (if it's well done we'll definitely give you a subscription or such for your work).Here's a few recommendations:Cog - Good at identifying opponent types and adjusting accordingly.Fydor - Lots of leakfinders on the site from low and mid stakes players.Hokie - Good at articulating a very strong thought process, relates to players of all stakes.Primo - Check out the heads up sng from scratch series, they are some of the most popular videos on the site.xSCWx - Lower buyin videos should be very relevant to beginners.Skates - Same as xSCWx, look at the lower buyin videos. Careful on not trying to replicate some of the instructors, particularly Skates and xSCWx, you want to learn WHY they make certain plays.ITRIED2WARNU - Not many low stakes videos up yet, but watch what he does have below the $100 level and it should be helpful to you.Mersenneary - Like our other new instructor, ITRIED, not a ton of lower stakes stuff up yet, but give what he has a good watch, he should articulate well and hit on some concepts the rest of us don't hit on as much.Croixdawg - Has a few lower stakes videos that you might enjoy.Guest Videos - FrankThomas and Brilliant27 videos might be of interest to you as well. There's my quick guide.
What are your videos good for RyPac?
I think I cover a lot of the parts of the game in a balanced way, but I'm probably not the person to ask.Value betting, pot control, effective stacks, hand selection, some end game... I think I cover those above average, but maybe not as well as say Mers covers end gme, Skates covers deep thinking, Hokie covers fundamentals, etc. If that makes sense.I have a few special focused videos out there, the bluffing with hole cards blocked (I might update this soon, since I think I can improve that type of video at this point), end game (another one I may update, but probably not for awhile since Mers is doing excellent end game analysis, I can't articulate some of that as well as he can, particularly the limping thoughts without tons of prep time).I'm going to start to work on some concept videos soon, some themed series videos and so on. My videos with Skates are well reviewed, you might want to check those out. My last few student review/match videos went over well too.Maybe somebody that has seen a lot of my videos can chime in with their opinion on a description of strengths/weaknesses/quality.
I am a standard member right now, sounds like I may need to upgrade before I get to the $100 games, with the kind of info it seems like Mers is giving alone anyone should be crushing the lower-mid stakes easily. I kind of figured you didn't want to toot your own horn but I didn't think anyone was going to jump in and randomly discuss what you're good at. thanks