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UndisputedChamp's picture
Raising Pre Flop

I've noticed some pros on this site min raise preflop and some raise 3x preflop, I just want to hear your opinions about why you this raise 3x or min raise. When I first started started playing husng's I raised 3x with my range but now I've started started min raising almost every hand. So if you guys had some feedback that would be great!

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
Typically in a lot of our

Typically in a lot of our (coaches) styles, min raising pf vs. 3xing is typically due to the blind levels and how many bb is left in the effective stack.  Also, its pretty standard to see 3xing in regular speeds esp early in the match, and then 2.5xing and min raising later on as the blinds increase.  I think the majority of us use min raising 100% of the time in turbo speeds as well.  You might take note of the different videos you are watching (turbo vs. reg speed) and then look for the differences.


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dhcg86's picture
villian dependent more than

villian dependent more than anything else. for example, if villian 3b a ton, I prefer min raising if villian doesnt 3b ever, and check folds tons of flop 3xing is best, maybe even larger.make sense?

UndisputedChamp's picture
Thanks guys that information

Thanks guys that information was helpful!