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Antares's picture
most profitable hours to play

Hello,guys, this is my first post. I'm a new member of this community, I play hu at 10s and 20s on pokerstars. This site is really high quality btw.I browsed the forum and there was a thread regarding profitable hours to play hu. There was kind of a conclusion that it's profitable to play late nights U.S. time, 12pm - 3am. I'm an european so that means quite early in the morning for me. I made today (saturday, U.S. time) an effort and got up in the early morning and played some games on PS(I actually never played at this hour before), but there was only a small pack of players, mostly regs, few fish (at 10s and 20s). Even the total number of players were very low, around 110.000 and lowered to 80.000 after some time. The thread I mentioned was in summer 2009,so a while ago. Finally , what is currently the best time of the day to play hu (10s and 20s,if it counts) ?

Mohegansunriver's picture
I noticed that during the

I noticed that during the weekend most of the regs are not playing so you can definitely get more action from the fishes. Same goes for late late at night. 

dzikijohnny's picture
I don't think there is a bad

I don't think there is a bad time to be playing.  I've played a little in the last couple of weeks in the US Morning Afternoon and Evening and weekends.  Even when I don't play I still look at what games are running at both stars and ftp.  That said  you still want to play when most people are playing.  In US afternoons you will be playing Euro Evenings so I think everything evens  out in the end.