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masp797's picture
How to recharge your mental batteries after losing streaks?

Generally after I lose 3-4 matches in a row I like to stop playing and take a break because my outlook just starts to become negative at that point and I can't help but feel somewhat results-oriented.What do you guys do when taking a break that helps you to feel better and get in that solid mindset where you're motivated to play again? I've been on a 1700-game downswing/BE stretch at the 110s since March and it seems like all i've been doing this time is losing and then taking a break, then going back to losing right when i get back on. Looking back on the month, it's really starting to cut into my volume and I just wanted to know how people keep putting in the volume despite losing for weeks on end.

kingcobra's picture
Ideally you're not paying

Ideally you're not paying attention at all to the results and are instead focused on the quality of your play, maybe there's some hands you would play differently, and so on.  This is way easier said than done though and the best of us can get bogged down with frustration when we're not running well.  I think that anytime you feel like you're not playing your best you should take a break, but just taking a break for it's own sake and then returning without addressing the problems properly is pretty much a waste of time.  If you lose 3 or 4 in a row I'd immediately go over the hands you played in these matches, and in particular looking at the hands you lost.  Look for ways you could have played better, take notes, if there's nothing you can think of that you could have done then great.  At this point it's also good to throw in some education, in terms of posting on a forum, watching a video, thinking about the game away from the table, etc. I've been playing poker for 35 years fairly seriously and I can tell you that tilting has been around since the cave men played cards with carved stones and from thinking about it quite a bit over the years I believe that it's something we really can exercise a lot of control over, contrary to what most people think where they have you just trying to cope.  Again, I believe it's a matter of having an emotional investment in the outcome, we're conditioned to be happy when we win and disappointed when we lose, and that disappointment ends up leading to frustration and anger when it's repeated too much.  The root of this problem is in focusing too much on the short term, like situations where we get our money in good and get sucked out on rather than what would happen if this situation happens 100 times we'll say.  The same is true in terms of our wins and losses, instead of looking at a bad run for instance we need to look at our long term results and other than that focus on playing better, something we can control, rather than short term variance, something we can't ;) 

Slatey's picture

Haseeb has a good blog post on this....bottem line...tilt is a mother fucker and it can own your soul at times;) 

Diceman's picture
slatey, would you mind

slatey, would you mind linking to that post? thanks

masp797's picture
this is unbelievable, no one

had to vent, classless post erased.