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Slatey's picture
Higher Level Adjustments

I hear/read alot from interviews of great players like Adonis/Croix/Heybude etc about how they lookthink diff/creatively towards the game but never really end up hearing much quantification of their thoughtprocess....which is understandable, but would love to get some ideas into their creative perspective. 

RyPac13's picture
Watching Skates, xSCWx and

Watching Skates, xSCWx and Croix videos in particular may help lend insight to this.It's easier to be creative when you understand a lot about the game, obviously, so building up your more fundamental skills should give you some insight into where and when making a unique decision (creative play) is the best move.

Slatey's picture

So in other words....keep subscribing?:) 

RyPac13's picture
Not only subscribing, but

Not only subscribing, but making sure what videos that you do watch you get the most out of.I'd imagine the average guy that watched 15 videos a month and spends time dissecting concepts and talking with others about the video and asking the coach questions will get further than the guy that watches 50 videos a month for a few months but just kind of browses them and talks to other people while watching, and so on.

Slatey's picture

Na...i understand...just hanking your......:)