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Enter_AndSPY's picture
I want to cry

I have played almost exactly 1000 HUSNGs at only the $5s and $10s on FullTilt, and despite the easy opponents have basically broken even (until today when I ran horribly losing 8 in a row so losing a bit now) although I feel that I have always at worst played fundamentally ok poker (playing in position etc) and at best making good reads and adjusting to my opponents. I haven't had significant issues with tilt either. It feels frustrating having watched and thought about the content in the videos and strived to succeed and evidently fail to progress at all. I haven't lost tons like some guys you see but in some ways breaking even feels even worse. Clearly, coaching of some kind is the obvious way to go if I want to carry on with poker and HUSNGs but my bankroll is only $530. I don't really know what the answer is or what response I want, but I am editing this from an earlier whine I originally posted so this at least sounds a little more mature.

dzikijohnny's picture
More information please.  Are

More information please.  Are they reg, turbo or superturbo?  What's your redline like? I had a big swing down then up.  I thought I might be doing things wrong.  I put $100 on Pokerstars and played a bunch of their regular speeds at the $2.20 level (I know rake is huge).  Was really good cross-training for me.  Went back to FTP (rakeback and that is where most of my bankroll is at) and went on a huge upswing.  Try something like that.  UB might be good too for that since HUSNGs start with 150bb.

Enter_AndSPY's picture
Thanks for the reply, yeah I

Thanks for the reply, yeah I might try take a break for a while or switching sites. My username here is identical to my FTP one to see my graph, it's not paticularly erratic, except for a 10buy-in upswing followed by an almost equal downswing , and my latest downswing of 8 buy-ins today. Strangely, I've been relatively more successful at the $10s than the $5s.

MrJayOMG's picture
If you are concerned you have

If you are concerned you have a small BR, try getting some HHs reviewed by one of the coaches. It's a relatively cheap way of getting coaching 

Slatey's picture

Unless you really realy love the game, i'd quit if you cant beat $5 games esp after being a part of this site. They are absolutley horrible at that level.If you do...then keep working at it. 

RyPac13's picture
I'd suggest spending around

I'd suggest spending around $50 on some HH reviews (or single review).Since your roll isn't massive, make sure you pick out a hand history with whatever coach you use that is going to give you maximal value.  Don't worry about the length, often the best HHs are not the ones that end up being just below the maximum hand # a coach sets before the price is higher.It's important to remember that people progress differently.  Some players might understand a lot, but can't quite put it together and may struggle at the lowest of stakes for awhile.  Sometimes all it takes is a little breakthrough and you can start dominating.I played more games at the $5s and $10s and was totally focused on moving up than the $11-55s.  A combination of things clicking and positive variance is why it took longer to get through two levels than it did the next 3-4.So don't be so discouraged, maybe get together with some low stakes players and go over some HHs or sweat each other and look for ways to improve your games.  Post some hands in the hand review forum here and on 2p2 if you wish, you should get some positive feedback.

Mr Monkeytilt's picture
Trust me, breaking even isn't

Trust me, breaking even isn't nearly as bad as losing a ton. I wish I could break even...

whytheman's picture
I'm still trying to break

I'm still trying to break even. I had a 12 buyin (5.25's) downswing a couple weeks back and moved down to 2.45's to catch up. Those games were brutal but it's worth it. Just keep on studying the videos and your game and you'll be back on your feet soon. Also think about it as an investment, what you have gained from these 1000 games will go far with you in the higher stakes =)