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waldie191's picture
Looking for someone to swap HH and peer review each other

My name is Kevin,  aka waldie101 on FTP.  I am looking for someone to swap HH's with and give notes on each other, to keep each other sharp.  I'm looking for 50-100$ reg speed (for now) players on FTP.  I am in the process of working my way up the limits and hope you are as well.  Please do not respond unless you are consistently beating these games (somewhat decent sample size).  You can sharkscope me to see my stats, as I will need to see yours if we are going to work together.Thanks, and I look forward to wrking with you!waldie101   

RyPac13's picture
There are some threads on

There are some threads on here that should still be active, I believe one is in the non members forum.Also on 2p2 there is a study group thread in the HuNL forum that is worth checking out.This is a great way to improve and somehow still underutilized.  Bouncing ideas, thoughts and analysis off of peers is so invaluable to your growth as a player.  Almost every successful player has done it at some point in their rise.