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nodeg's picture
$21 match Annoying hand.

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1200 BTNPlayer81800  Effective Stacks: 20bb Blinds 30/60 Pre-Flop (90, 2 players) Hero is BB Player8 calls 30, Hero checks   Flop (120, 2 players) Hero checks, Player8 bets 60, Hero raises to 225, Player8 calls 165   Turn (570, 2 players) Hero bets 285, Player8 calls 285   River (1140, 2 players) Hero checks, Player8 bets 1230, Hero folds   Final Pot: 2370 Villain is tricky reg i've played with a ton.  From my reads he's on a draw on the flop.  Any critique on hand as played?   

Grindoville's picture
River kills your hand obv?

River kills your hand obv?

nodeg's picture
I was looking more for

I was looking more for betsizes on flop/turn.  The turn brought in a draw too.   River is a clear fold unfortunately.

marrage's picture
bet more on flop like 240, on

bet more on flop like 240, on turn like 380-450, and open shove river.or you can check  raise AI that turn if you think  most of the time he will bet that turn.

RyPac13's picture
The turn is too small. And if

The turn is too small.And if you want to have some 3 barrel bluff equity, I would suggest making the flop a bit smaller as well (though it's not always necessary).Something like 170 on the flop (460 turn pot) then another 230 on the turn (920 river pot, 740 behind) will get it in, though you're sacrificing a bit of big betting on the flop and turn (not always good, opponent dependent).If you like your flop sizing, I'd go larger on the turn usually. 

greywolve's picture
How does the guy end up with

How does the guy end up with a T on the river? You have to put him squarely on a spade flush draw with a ten if you are very sure about your flop read being the guy has a draw.

soulouri's picture
I'm struggling to see a T

I'm struggling to see a T here also.  Since he limped pre surely we're only looking at something like T6 or...  maybe he limps T9/T8?  But then these hands make no sense with how he played it, especially on the turn.  I think Ryan gives the best advice here on bet sizing, but I'd be tanking/calling this river and pretty happy about it if I knew he was a tricky reg and something like this is possible (and it's not just a totally butchered 1010 hand or something).

nodeg's picture
I definitely see the

I definitely see the arguement for calling.  This villain is capable of shoving here with atc if he thinks he can get away with it.  He could have played this way with a pair/fd combo for example.  Maybe it was a bad fold.