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greywolve's picture
Early stacking off ranges at $11

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1500 BTNScaredMoney7771500  Effective Stacks: 50bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB ScaredMoney777 raises to 90, Hero raises to 270, ScaredMoney777 folds Final Pot: 360Second hand of the SNG. I know absolutely nothing about the guy. If he shoves here is AJs strong enough to stack off in general? AQs defnitely?

soulouri's picture
This question really varies

This question really varies player to player.  In the $11 games you're going to see people turning up with a ton of random hands a lot of the time but equally I would normally expect to see a hand like pockets pairs, any suited ace and some KQ/KJ.  Basically you're going to end up in a race a lot, I think shoving with this hand is a lot more acceptable than calling one.Either way since your on this site you're obviously trying to improve your game and with a bit of work you will be crushing the average $11 player in no-time so you should pass on this if he shoves, and make use of your edge and outplay him rather than flipping.FWIW my calling range in this spot is AQss+ / 99+

greywolve's picture
Thanks a lot for the helpful

Thanks a lot for the helpful answer ! :)