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soulouri's picture
$6 3bet AKsuited pre - monotone flop, std play?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6 + $0.25 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1770 SBVillain1230  Effective Stacks: 41bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB Villain calls 15, Hero raises to 120, Villain calls 90 Flop (240, 2 players) Hero checks, Villain bets 240, Hero ???  Hey all, so this situation appears more often than I'd like, I just wanted to see what the 'standard' line is for such a spot - cbet 160-180?  Check/call? (seems the worst to me) Check/fold seems so weak though.  Early game, no reads on villain at this point.  In the only slightly large pot I opened the button and he flatted, he donk lead 60 into 120 on flop, i raised to 185 and he folded.

greywolve's picture
We have to guess his range. I

We have to guess his range. I gave him a fairly conservative range of 66-22,A7s-A2s,K9s-K2s,Q9s-Q6s,JTs-J7s,T9s-T7s,98s-97s,87s-86s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s,43s,A9o-A2o,KTo-K6o,QTo-Q8o,JTo-J8o,T9o-T8o. I imagine it's often much wider than this though. You cbet 160 into this pot and he calls with one pair or better, any flush draw and any gutshot straight draw or better and folds everything else. Some of the time you will get to check your hand down if called, other times he will bluff you off it on the turn or river. I just used the "checkdown" function on stoxev and gave you 50% equity (as opposed to 100% equity) in the pot from the turn onwards since you will be bluffed off some of the time.The ev of betting in this case would be about one small blind. He flops something that can call you about 70% of the time given the range I outlined above and folds on the flop the other 30% of the time. You do have a little bit of equity in the hand but overall it's marginal and there's probably not much difference between cbetting and check/folding.

colossos159's picture
You didnt invest alot of

You didnt invest alot of chips and the board really sucks so its an easy fold. The game just started so move on to the next hand in my opinion.

dvstruco's picture
Raise to 90.   In the flop

Raise to 90. In the flop lead 120.

greywolve's picture
I like raising more than 90.

I like raising more than 90. People will still call you with junk usually so you get more value from your hand preflop. It allows him to make a bigger mistake by calling you too.