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McSchnitzel's picture
PFR size

So, i´ve been thinking about this a lot lately. What is the optimal preflop raise size in a HU sng?I tried 2x and 3x, and I know both of them suit a different kind of opponent. But what size is the best for which kind of opponent?

soulouri's picture
You're correct it depends on

You're correct it depends on opponents, but it also depends on effecive stack sizes relative to the blind levels.There has been a lot of success from various play styles, some point prefer to limp, some people prefer to raise every button, but generally 3x'ing your buttons with strong hands is the stanard play, and limping hands such as K3 Q4 J5.  Obviously don't stick to this as a rule because you'll get exploited pretty quick if your opponent realises you're doing this.Exceptions to this kind of play include;Aggressive opponents: vs someone that is snapping every 3x you make, and not folding to a standard cbet, you will want to lower your raising frequency, or switch to min raising.Tigh opponents: vs someone that is not calling your button opens often, and when he does, he folds to your cbets a lot, you really want to be opening close to 100% and just get out of his way when he plays back on the flop.Short stacks: When the effective stacks drop below 35big blinds consider switching from 3x to min raising.  The reason behind this is if you're still 3x'ing you're giving your opponent great odds to either 3bet you or shove over the top.  A lot of losing players at the low stakes continue to 3x even when blinds go up to 25/50, vs this type of player its very simple to wait for a strong hand and either shove over the top or just 3bet to 400/500 and shove any flop.Note. When the effective stacks drop below 20big blinds you should really consider stop raising all together.  This is villain dependent as vs some guys min raising will continue to be a very strong play, but if you are not confident in your reads on your opponents you should look up the Nash Equilibrium (spelling?) chart, which will provide you with an unexploitable push/fold strategy.Final thoughts: Generally better players that know they have a big edge prefer playing small pots vs a weaker opponent as it negates some of the luck.  Similarly, weak players should look to build big pots vs opponents they know are stronger to put them outside of their comfort zone - consider this when picking your bet sizing options. For myself: in reg speeds on Full Tilt where the blinds start at 10/20 1500 stack sizes I like 3x'ing my buttons until I have a good reason not to.  In the turbos I generally 2x as they start at 15/30 1500 stack sizes, so i'm still raising my button to 60.  I sometimes mix this up and raise to 75 - 2.5x buttons, but very rarely do I open to 90 because you can very quickly find yourself in a big pot with a marginal holding once your cbet gets called.Hope this helps a little - i'm sure there's a ton of literature on this somewhere that other peope can link to, and a coach from the site can probably provide a more detailed/clearer response :)