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LJH2100's picture
Skype Study Group

Hey everyone,I'm looking to form a study group on Skype for players in the $10-35 range.  Looking for players mainly that are breakeven or winners and looking to get serious about HUSNGs and move up in ranks.  I am planning to organize group sweats (HH reviewing, we don't want any funny business to come along with scammers watching the sweat and be playing you) and 1-on-1 sweats (live).  You should expect to sync up with other players that can swap HHs 1-3 times a week and this should really launch our game into the next level.  There are no fees involved and there should be no advertising of any kind.  I plan to have two chats set up: a very serious one strictly for strategy chat and a more relaxed one for steaming and BSing.My skype name is: husngplayer please message me and I'll add you.  This is just getting started now so it will be whatever we make of it.  I am not making this public to the 2+2 forums yet as I joined a chat from there that was just, meh, and it seems to have had a lot of interest but the serious players don't show up because of all the non-poker chat it seems.  With that said, if you know a good HUSNG player who would like to join they certainly can as it's not just a husng.com thing.**This study group is not endorsed by RyPac13 or husng.com in anyway.LJskype: husngplayer

fizix's picture

I'm currently having trouble with the 11.25 turbos on Stars, I would love to be part of this group.

soulouri's picture
Just wanted to add I am in

Just wanted to add I am in the group - it's 3 people total but need 1-2 more to be active, so anyone thinking about joining sign up! :)

jaymzz's picture
sent message to LJ via

sent message to LJ via skype...cheers

LJH2100's picture
Alright cool, we got about 5

Alright cool, we got about 5 people from here to sign into the chat, however, I've went ahead and pretty much merged (not to be confused with Merge Network haha) the old chat I was in and the new one.  So the group is rather large, probably about 9-12 active in the other plus the 5 members from here.  We are having a group discussion/study group at 1pm EST, Thursday, August 12.  From this chat, I hope to set up other scheduled discussions and things of that nature along with people getting 1-on-1 sweats set up.  There is a bull*** chat set up as well for BBV and just general chat.  So everything that is in the strategy chat should be useful to all. People are constantly on and chatting doesn't need to happen only during scheduled times but the biggest problem with the group before was that there was no structure whatsoever, so now there is!  It's not too late to join so message me at husngplayer on skype and one big thing has changed, it doesn't really matter your level, we have many $6 players as well as players up to the $30-35 range.LJ