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nodeg's picture
Inducing bet gone wrong....

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero915 BBPlayer22085  Effective Stacks: 8bb Blinds 60/120 Pre-Flop (180, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 240, Player2 calls 120   Flop (480, 2 players) Player2 checks, Hero bets 675, Player2 calls 675   Turn (1830, 2 players)   River (1830, 2 players)   Final Pot: 1830 Hero shows Player2 shows Player2 wins 1830 ( won +915 ) Hero lost -915 I really butchered this hand.  Granted, the villain had the nuts... Anyway, I minraise to induce.  This is my first minraise since the blinds went up a minute ago, but the game has been a lot of aggressive fencing.  Villain is tricky/spewy during the early game, but after losing the last match in 2 hands he has slowed down a bit.In the late game, he obviously has a very tight game, and has folded to a ton of min-raises and raise/folds a lot.  I have started shoving and re-shoving a lot, but min-raise a fair amount too since i get a ton of folds.  I didn't expect a flat, and can't really put him on a range here.  I'm sure that there could be some criticism  about the PF play here, but I do occasionally find myself in pots like this and  am lost as to how to approach a board like this.  Keep in mind that he's been pretty tight up to now, so I have no reason to put 95s in his range.I'm thinking that a check/shove would have been more effective for what I was trying to do.  Should I just give up here? 

kaiserzozz's picture
based on the reads you got on

based on the reads you got on the villian, I would take a similar approach in this situation.anyway, two alternative options:1) smallbet (between 120 and 240) and maybe fold if he shoves: I would put him on overpair or flush draw (not sure whether folding after a smallbet in such spot is EV+)2) bet 2/3 pot representing strongness and luckily make him fold overcards (and call if he shove)

soulouri's picture
Honestly just get it in, this

Honestly just get it in, this is a fantastic example of just shoving and not trying to get too tricky when you dont need to - if villain is spewy then let him spew, dont give him a chance to get back into it.You said he was folding a lot pre and even with KQo getting a fold pre with blinds this high is a solid result.

nodeg's picture
"Honestly just get it in,

"Honestly just get it in, this is a fantastic example of just shoving and not trying to get too tricky when you dont need to - if villain is spewy then let him spew, dont give him a chance to get back into it.You said he was folding a lot pre and even with KQo getting a fold pre with blinds this high is a solid result." Normally, I would be in total agreement, and I normally don't get fancy here.  The thing is that he has folded to a ton of min-bets(like 80%), so i was moving from shove/fold towards trying to exploit that.  I actually think that, knowing that he's not very aggro pre, maybe i should have kept my range unbalanced with weaker hands but i didn't suspect that he's more likely to flat than to shove here pre at this level... esp with such a wide range. Obviously the level change made him change tactics, or he was trying to adjust to my wide opens.  He does folds enough to make it profitable even with no cbet/postflop betting.  I'm certainly interested in feedback pre, but the spot i end up in with awkward stack-sizes and a dry board against my opponent's percieved range is a spot that frustrates me the occasional times it happens.

greywolve's picture
I think it's fine. It's not a

I think it's fine. It's not a massive overbet, and you still have equity against a large part of his calling range.