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momille's picture
totally frustrated

So its about 4 weeks now, i get sucked every F game.Pokerstars 11$/ hu-sng turbosi tried everything i can do, to be cool , took a timeout, read some furhter poker lecture etc.. nothing helps.now i just had a session to a guy which i lost finally with -7 buyins. the guy never folded preflopand always cracked my QQ or TPTK with cards like 26o to hit to pair on the turn.so i said to myself ok, lets raise the preflop bet from 3x to 5x to make this hands unprofitable to call.he still called every hand. i made it 8x then, still calls....then hands went like i have AQ blinds 15/30 raise 5x to 150 he callsflop QA3 i raise he moves allin , i call he has Q3 : Turn 3 river blank...every single game it happened that way.i just dunno what to do anymore, i went down about 50 buyins now, i recorded my losses and as a final result i see from the last 45 games i lost 38 on hands where i was allin with a made hand high percentage to win and got sucked by a maximum 4 outer.is this poker???do i need to quit now cause im too stupid? i really need some wise words, i feel incapable of playing anymore 

9620125's picture
With what type of hands were

With what type of hands were you 5x-ing and 8x-ing him? If you were doing this with a wide range of your hands instead of your strongest than this was/is a huge leak: all you were doing was building a gigantic pot with hands that miss the majority of flops putting yourself in horrible situations post-flop.Also, no matter how many times you've probably read about variance and about how sick it is, you just need to experience it for yourself to truely understand that special type of hell that follows the impression that the universe hates you.Move down to the micro's and build back your confidence by achieving a high ROI% against the fish.Or just go play basketball or something - don't be one of those people who plays poker as though it's a painfull moral duty...  

momille's picture
i only played a tight range,

i only played a tight range, like down to 10Js at worst.... but thats the thing.my range got exploited. he called everything... with 26, 510 etc... and i always got fcked by some 2 pair shit when i hat tptk.... he sloplayed 2 pairs and suddenly did a huge raise on the river, tough he also did this with nothing to bluff me... one hand i had KK.he limped i raised to 200 with blinds 15/30 ....he flats. board is 65J i bet 375 in a 400 pott he calls turn is 2 i shelve he calls with j5o. i dunno what i supposed to do, when these donks always hit 2 pair on me i checked every game.he always had 2 pair vs me with some crap hands i cant put him on like 102 or 39 not even connectors...im already down im my stakes, cause i was playing the 30$ sngs but everytime blinds are high and i put my AQ vs A2 the miystic 2 comes on the board.i receive so many domination suckouts, i just dunno what to do better.i got KK i raiseflop is KJ3 ( i flopped a set Ks! man) i bet he reraises, i shelve, he calls with A3!.....  turn Q river 10...straight > trips...thats how pokerstars fcks me all day men...i went to some live games here in my city, i took 4 tourneys down from the last 7 i played, not huge ones, but about 80 to 200 players including one HU tournament, but on stars i get fcked alle the time man....i just cant win... people play like donks, i need to fold so many hands to this allin every hand stupid crap or some other sht, but in the end they always hit the final pott, when ever i have the best hand like QQ and they call me preflop allin with K3 they hit some runner runner sht...like flush or straight or trip 3s or something...

Slatey's picture

I've played over 1,000,000 hands in poker and seen and been through it all. Evaluate your play and be honest with yourself. Your obv. tilting and playing bad. Be Cool, Calm, and Collected. Think things through and be DISCIPLINED. You will run bad at times...dont let some hands turn into a disaster. Always remember these times will balance themselves out with the times you will run like god and hit everytime. Dont think you deserve to win any hand. Dont be a pussy and bitch....be smart and reevaluate things, dont worry..i've been in your shoes, just keep at it.

LJH2100's picture
I just went through a similar

I just went through a similar situation that lasted about 3 weeks for me.  It started out as running bad, I got the cards in good and kept getting sucked out, that happened for maybe 5-6 games and that's what my memory was "I'm just running bad" when in reality the short bad run of cards struck a tilt in my game, not a Phil Hellmuth explosion of a tilt but a subtle tilt where I was just making consistent -EV decisions. Watch Primo's intermediate video, it should help your game a lot and if you have already watched it...watch it again. Move down to the $6s so you can build your confidence.  I was thinking about a concept earlier today, downswings that are caused by our own stupidity and not pure variance is a lot like overeating, you can gain a massive amount of weight fast, however, losing that bodyfat (upswing) takes a lot longer.  You can drop 20 BIs easily by making bad decisions but when you work on your game and decide to play better, you most likely will not win 20 in a row (even if you do you'll still be down [rake x 40 haha]).If you are only focusing on those times where you TRULY got bad beat and not times that you played badly you may be experiencing some "cognitive dissonance".LJ

MrJayOMG's picture
Villain is obv a station so

Villain is obv a station so just value town him, I'm not sure whether Cog has a video on playing a stationy player or if I remember it from his coaching but his strategy is the nuts IMO, try finding one of his vids on the subject & then pwn the guy.