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McSchnitzel's picture
when is it time to move up?

perhaps kind of a silly question, because I am way overrolled for the 20 and 30 hu sngs, but i am kind of a bankroll nit.but what kind of ROI do you need at the 20's to move up to 30's over what sample? same for 30 to 50's?

Lucky_Hussle's picture
U need at least 50 bins for

U need at least 50 bins for 33`s and over but 100 Is safe. If u play positive ROI.I have like 30 and I am broke all of the time.

RyPac13's picture
If you're in control of your

If you're in control of your mental state and are ok with moving up and down without it hurting your mentality when downswinging, you can move up and take shots on a smaller bankroll.Otherwise, I would agree with Lucky_Hussle, but I would try to focus on making sure that you are mentally stable and able to take shots with less than 50 buyins, just make sure you do it when you are ready.

Alive4r's picture
Sorry, but if you need 3000$

Sorry, but if you need 3000$ to play for 30, you're idiot.


RyPac13's picture
It depends what your real

It depends what your real life situation is.For somebody that cannot go broke that also absolutely needs a small amount per month to live off of, say $600, playing a few hundred $30s is kind of the bottom line "can make the money to pay bills and live and build the roll" professional lifestyle.So for that example, I can see why having 100 buyins in your roll might actually be close to ideal or even ideal.In general I do agree with the more aggressive approach, but it's really only perfect in theory.  If you talk to players climbing the stakes, many are absolutely not ready to take shots with 20 and 30 buyin rolls, even though it is theoretically ideal for a large % of players.  But when you add in the mental impact on people, a lot less players should be taking shots with those kinds of rolls, even if their skills may justify it.

kensungrind's picture
100% agree with

100% agree with Rypac..Alive4r how much experience you got with the swings of hu? if you play professionally at the 30's you should have 100 for sure, if you depend on poker for all of your income you must have a quite big buffer zone.Of course for recreational players a lot less is ok, if it is money that can be easily replaced.