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Laroutchezxz's picture
22-55 facing limp 30BB deep

After reviewed a couples of match where i find myself raise over a limp with a small pair , around 30-20 BB,  get called, and get crush.....Seriously, its not so bad against most but facing a limp ,against loose players , 25-30BB   can I check back 22-55?? Is 44  too strong to check back in the intention to--Not build a pot OOP because we will have a 6BB pot with 22BB left (if we was 25BB) with 2-3 overcards on flop-- shoving is a little thin EV imo cause the pot to steal is to small compared to stack (25-30BB for example)--I can certainely extract decent value when hit a set(he his a loose opponent)(I think its true 75 to 30?-25??-20????BB)I will be more than happy to have yours comments about how you play small pairs around 20-30BB facing a limp

IB_Fishing's picture
Just my guess

It appears to me that 30BB is the cutoff for having correct implied odds when playing pairs for set value or playing suited connectors for str8 or flush value. This is just my guess from reading and observing. Hopefully someone who knows the math will contribute to this thread. PaulIB_FishingHoping the smart kid in the class shares the correct answer with us

LJH2100's picture
IB_Fishing was talking about

IB_Fishing was talking about not having correct implied odds for playing pairs for set value or suited connectors for straight or flush value at 30bb or less.  Can anyone elaborate on this, if that is true, wouldn't it depend more on the action preflop, and say you are in the BB facing a 3x raise.LJ

Newff's picture
Raising limps this shallow

Raising limps this shallow with small PP's that don't play well post flop is not a good idea..you will miss a big percentage of the time so theres no need to create a bigger pot. As for around 20BB's, well it will be +EV to open shove but honestly I'm not sure about the math and I'd probably check back even then to hit my set cheaply, check it down when our oppenet allows us to when me may have the best hand on certain boards, or donk lead and take it down on the flop. Raising the limp this shallow is probably the worse option.

Laroutchezxz's picture
 That will help me a lot . I

 That will help me a lot . I wasn't sure about that play, putting me on tough spots more than I need. 

JSpazz's picture
I'm not raising small PPs

I'm not raising small PPs from the big blind even 100bb deep vs 99% of players, let alone 30bb deep

RyPac13's picture
Agreed with the above. When

Agreed with the above.When stacks get to around 15bb you can often just shove these preflop when limped against, though it's dependent on opponent ranges.  But it's not like you're folding 55 to a shove vs most players at those stacks anyways, so even if they "tarp" with the aces they aren't strategically gaining any real value unless you start junk raising their limps with hands you'd fold to a shove/raise (and even then, they have to be limping a very strong range for that to be a great strategy, why I'm not a huge fan of the LRR except in certain situations 8-15 deep and it's mostly looking to get shoved on by wider hands, the opposite of what I mentioned earlier).

RyPac13's picture
I think that IB_Fishing just

I think that IB_Fishing just misread the question, but his comments are similar to what Hokie likes to talk about on the subject when facing a raise (In that case you'll be shoving versus an open quite often around 30bb with PPs).But facing a limp, you obviously don't have any odds since checking lets you see a flop for no additional charge.

IB_Fishing's picture
Wow, I did mis-read Question

sorry about that. PaulIB_Fishingfeeling foolish and embarrassed )-: