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kasparovski's picture
Quit poker or try harder?

Hi guys,sorry for this lame first post but i'm really desperate here... So.. i've made about 7k at poker this last 3 years starting with 30$ and grinding from 1$sngs to 20$/30$ (above that didn't had much success) mostly at pokerstars and ipoker. It's been a fun grind but since i've registered at this site through full tilt and started playing there two/three month ago i just can't win (maybe players are better there?) and do to life expenses and my late bad results i'm left with only 900$ and not much confidence to move forward... sn @ stars: kasparovskisn @ ipoker: thebigbamboo  (50% rb and bonus helped allot since games are heavily raked)sn @ fulltilt: 12644415all sngs in $:  http://img695.imageshack.us/i/graphft1.jpg/all sngs in bi: http://img27.imageshack.us/i/graphft2.jpg/husngs st 10$: http://img26.imageshack.us/i/graphft3st.jpg/ This are my ft graphs and i've played about 1.2k games there, 1k being hunsg, 750 being 10$ superturbos... i've being trying to play them since my confidence is low and i don't feel so owned there and i think after seeing some of your videos etc i've being playing them well but results just tell me otherwise. oh... and they're fun as hell =)I've started very well at them and had some swings but my ev line would continue to move straight up so i didn't care but now that i'm on a bigger downswing and my ev line is going down i'm starting to have doubts.The problem is that i don't even know what's going on, if i'm just playing bad or having bad luck or both or wtv and i don't know if i should just quit or try harder. (?)Would getting a coach help? have hh reviews? Grind more and re-evaluate after some more 1k husng st? Go down in stakes?Help plz. Thanks in advance.

RyPac13's picture
The first thing that I notice

The first thing that I notice is your super turbo sample.30 buyin swings (and you haven't even lost money overall) are super standard in those games.  If you can't afford to breakeven (or even lose 30-50 buyins) over 1k game samples in those, absolutely do not play them.Get into a slower structure such as FTP regular speeds, keep it to 1-2 tabling and really focus on every decision.  If you have built up enough discipline and skill to win in these games (evidence that you have is very strong) then you should start to grind out a bit of a consistent profit.  If you can do that for a few months, your level of skill and discipline will further improve, along with your bankroll.Don't do it half assed though, really focus and don't allow yourself to get emotional, just make good decisions and the results will certainly follow if you're putting everything you have into it.

dzikijohnny's picture
Also really take a look at

Also really take a look at the structure difference between ftp and Ipoker.  The FTP reg and the PS turbos are similar but, I found they play much different.  You have to be much better at the 20bb effective stack level at pokerstars because you get there sooner in both time and number of levels.  Don't know Ipoker but, that could be a problem.

kasparovski's picture
Thank you both but i'm just

Thank you both but i'm just going to quit for now. Just withdraw what i got left and i don't plan on playing for a long time.It's kind of frustrating because i spent to much time and effort to come to this and i don't even got a plan for what i'm doing next. It's not just poker that as come to this, my whole life seems to be deteriorating and i've to do something about it, thought that poker would help me fix some things (and it  did for some time) but it's just not helping atm.In regard to your comments... if i ever comeback to poker (i believe i will someday) i'll take them into consideration so tyvm.

RyPac13's picture
Good luck with

Good luck with everything.Your overall health and happiness are much more important than any job/work that you do.

Lucky_Hussle's picture
Seems like you have a

Seems like you have a downswing. I know the feeling. Just watch few videos and THINK when to cbet, when to not. Thats the most importnat thing. And take reads about players styles 1-10 hands from the start. Then just exploit. Its hard to explain but I was pretty lost before I started to watch videos. And try 4man husng`s as well.