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Webmaster222's picture
HUSNG Information Site

Hi,    I have built a husng information web site. Some questions if you don't mind.

  • Can I put a link to it from this forum?
  • If not can I ask people to PM me for the link?
  • Can you PM on this forum?.
  • Do you need to be a full member to PM. I was a fully fledged member and will prob rejoin.

I do have  links back to this site from my web site.

  • Can I put the free videos from this site on my site and then advertise husng.com?

eg: here is some free vids from husng.com , for more videos go here?Regards,222 PS.  Love the site, love the vids and love husng's

RyPac13's picture
Please contact me at rypac13

Please contact me at rypac13 [at] husng [dot] com and we can talk about your site.

Webmaster222's picture
Sent you an email

Hi Rypac,Sent you an email in regards to my site?Hope to discuss it with you soon. regards,222