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nickt1292's picture
2.20 Stars

Are there videos on the micro heads up sngs, like the $2.20 on stars? I'm going to start my bankroll with $50

urgen's picture
I wouldnt play 2.20s on

I wouldnt play 2.20s on stars, i would play on ftp if you cant afford to play over 5$ games.10% rake is too much!

ftisne's picture

Hi, Last year I was starting HU SNG and I did played the $2,20 (and finished in Sharkscope Leaderboard for 2009..Yes 10% fee is high but the level of play is horrible and you can beat the 10% rake for sure and have ROI 20%You can play until you have 20 or 30  BI and then play the $5 .....Concerning video, just watch videos from beginners pack and especially PrimordialAA  HU from Scratch. There aren't $2,20 video but the strategy is the same ...GL FREDERIC 


nickt1292's picture
Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot!

RyPac13's picture
There are actually some $2.20

There are actually some $2.20 level videos I believe.  I want to say Cog or Fydor did at least one awhile back.Cog also recently started his super turbo series at the $2 level.We do try to encourage people to start at the $5s when they can, but I can understand why somebody might rather play the $2s on 30 buyins than the $5s on 12.  That makes sense.The Primo from scratch series should be good, but also all of the videos at the $5 and $10 level should absolutely be fully applicable to the $2 games.  You might see a few less "I'll just go absolutely nuts" in the $10s than $2s, but for the most part your play and adjustments will be almost the same in each (the frequency of the different opponents will probably be the only difference, but the same player types will be present).I'd even go as far to say the $20-30 videos should help you too, but no sense in starting with that high of videos until you've exausted the $5-10 level videos (and there should be a good amount of those).