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effect144's picture
Profitable Play????

Scenario:  If i have a 2 to 1 chip lead in a turbo HU and have AJ off in the big blind, is it profitable to 3-bet his pre flop raise and call his 4 bet shove in the 15/30 round?  Also he has not been really aggressive but has been raising alot of buttons.  If you put him on a mid pocket pair is it worth taking a shot at the coin flip in the long run with a 2 to 1 chip lead?

Lucky_Hussle's picture
If villain is a bit tilting

If villain is a bit tilting or frustrated and u can see it, then its ok to call. If he is not a donkey or tilting, you should just flat it if you dont want to build a big pot with it. But its very often a situation where I push my money in with AJ because very oftten players take more risks and want to desperately double up. So, againts loose agressive you can go broke, againts tight/weak I would flat pf sometimes. But you are flipping very often if you want to push it.

kukulcan's picture
villain dependant

for me this is a borderline decision and therefore 100% villain dependant.i would call shove only if i have reads telling me he will do that with a weaker hand than mine (but see the range not the single hand).if i have no reads i would fold to his 4bet shove - but i might be wrong here ...therefore other's comments wished!  

jackoneill's picture
It doesn't matter at all

It doesn't matter at all whether you have a 2:1 chip-lead or a 1:2 chip-deficit - effective stacks is all that matters.  Your strategy is exactly the same whether you have 1000 chips or 2000 chips at 15/30 - in both scenarios, you have an effective stack of ~33 bb.Regarding the decision for the hand, you have to ask yourself what's the post profitable play against his range.With effective stacks of less than 35 bb, I think it's a huge leak to ever 3bet / fold AJ - if you ever think about folding it to a shove, then you shouldn't 3bet it in the first place but just flat and see a flop.  If you make this 2.5-3 times his open, that's about 5-8 bb which is a significant portion of your stack, so he'd need to have a stronger hand than yours a lot so 3bet/folding would be a huge mistake if he's shoving mid-low PP's.