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dzikijohnny's picture
Doesn't HEM support FTP double stack HUSNGs?

Anyone got any help on this? How can my HUD work but, the tournaments not be recorded?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way I am getting around it now  is by manuel entry and then requesting the Hand Histories.  Also, one clever thing I do is add 1 cent to the buy in amount so I can filter out my tournament results between regular and deep stacks.

Mr Monkeytilt's picture
You should ask on the HEM

You should ask on the HEM forums or email their support about the problem. I don't play double stacks so I wouldn't know if it's a problem specific to you or HEM in general.

koval21's picture
Which poker room?

Which poker room? I play deepstacks on FullTilt and everything is ok -  HEM has no problem with deepstacks.

dzikijohnny's picture
Full tilt...so I don't

Full tilt...so I don't understand.  I'll check with HEM site now that I know it is only me.  My hud works but, the games aren't recored on my stats or records.

thepuminator's picture
why are you playing deep

why are you playing deep stack games anyways? dont they kill your hourly?