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qattack's picture
Popopop Universal Replayer Not Working...Replacement?

Popopop has not been working for a few days now. The website has indicated a new version would be available in a few days, but I'm not holding my breath.Are there any good replacements?

WBR's picture
Newff's picture
Try updating your Java.

Try updating your Java.

ITRIED2WARNU's picture
They are coming out with a

They are coming out with a new version in the next few days - according to the site.  Just search for older versions of it on google and youll find some.. I had to do that a few days ago to make a vid on another PC.


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qattack's picture
ThanX WBR...I had the old

ThanX WBR...I had the old version, but it kept locking up; others I talked to had the same problem.If only I'd thought to search for the new version in French!The new version works great. I wish they would have a bigger window for game comments.

dzikijohnny's picture
I really just like using

I really just like using HEMs.  I have a hud that I like seeing.

qattack's picture
I'm using popopop to review

I'm using popopop to review others' sngs, and have plans to store HHs from videos and replay them using popopop.

AJG's picture
I have lastestt version of

I have lastestt version of JRE (and JDK) and am having problems just getting UR to run consistently...I get a "Splash: recv failed" error message when starting it (most times)qattack - see your other thread about HH software, I replied in there to, and will PM you...

genher's picture
open the text file of your HH

open the text file of your HH and save it but this time using AINSI coding it will work fine. gl