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supml's picture
Current State of HUSNGs

Hi there,I consider myself as a NL Holdem 6max cash game player but I would like to switch to HUSNGs as these games always faszinated me.The question for me is, if it is still worth to dig deeper into this topic or if the games dried out as other games?Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advancesupml

RyPac13's picture
I'll let others weigh in, but

I'll let others weigh in, but aside from downswings and some players playing a level or two higher than they should be, I'm not hearing any good players saying that the games are dead.  A lot of people are making more money today than ever before.

latilen's picture
I play low level (20-30$)

I play low level (20-30$) games and have noticed some regs playing 4+ tables even at the 10$ level and not moving up. There is still a lot of money to be made, but as my example shows there are a lot of winning grinders at every level making games a bit harder because solid players are not always moving up stakes.  

dzikijohnny's picture
They look good to me and

They look good to me and could be getting better.  They are fun and lots of rec players like them too.  They are not solvable like 9 and 6 man sngs are because players are too varied.