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RyPac13's picture
Freeroll Prize Claim Thread

If you're a member and you made the top 256 finishes in our freeroll today, post here with your Stars name included (PM me if you don't want to make that name public).  Make sure your email in your profile is up to date as well, as that will likely be the primary contact method for verifying prizes.

RyPac13's picture
Two prizes given out so far. 

Two prizes given out so far.Remember, it's the top 256, not top 128.

RyPac13's picture
Sorry, four prizes, just

Sorry, four prizes, just checked emails.I'd imagine up to 10 prizes is a realistic expectation here.  We were hoping more for 15-20 originally, but many people could not register in the hours up until the freeroll or decided not to enter due to the overwhelming freeroll grinders that entered.

Laroutchezxz's picture
Laroutchez on PS 219... I'll

Laroutchez on PS219...I'll take my share ...........Thanks

Laroutchezxz's picture
HÉ Ryan...:)Just inthe case

Hé Ryan...:)Just inthe case you forgot me.ThanksDavid

RyPac13's picture
I did, thanks. I think that

I did, thanks.I think that makes 7 prizes, not too shabby considering the complications.